Sunday, May 24, 2020
Persuasive Speech Organ Donation - 1076 Words
Name: Avery Howard Topic: Persuasive Speech Assignment #2: Organ Donation Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to become registered organ donors. Thesis: Today I want to persuade my audience to become registered organ donors. Introduction I. To start, by a show of hands, only if you feel comfortable, how many of you are registered organ donors? II. According to, â€Å"an average of 22 people die each day waiting for transplants that can t take place because of the shortage of donated organs.†a. Furthermore, every 10 minutes another name gets added to the national waiting list. ( i. With those odds, at least 5 individuals will go into organ failure within the time limit of this class period. III. With this in mind, I am going to tell you why everyone should become a registered organ donor and the common counter-arguments associated with organ donation. Transition: Organ donation by a single person saves multiple lives, and is one of the most important reasons why you should become an organ donor. Body I. The United Network for Organ Sharing, UNOS, estimates that 122,683 people are in need of an organ transplant today. II. In Florida alone, approximately 5,500 people are waiting for a donor. (unos) III. One person has the ability to save the life of up to 8 people by means of organ donation. a. Hypothetically, if all 19 people enrolled in this class was registered and able to donate today, the lives of at least 152 women, men,Show MoreRelatedOrgan Donation : Persuasive Speech909 Words  | 4 PagesOrgan Donation Rhetorical Analysis Organ donation has been a major controversy for many years now. There are those people who favor it and the ones who do not. According to the United States Organ and Tissue Transplantation Association, organ donation is defined as tissue or organ removal from a deceased or living donor, for transplantation purposes. Tissues and organs are moved in a surgical procedure. Afterwards, they are transplanted to a recipient to ensure their recovery (Francis 2015). OrganRead MorePersuasive Speech On Organ Donation1150 Words  | 5 Pagesshortage of donated organs.†(Brazier) Due to the shortage of organs, this causes many people to go to extreme measures to save a loved one. Maybe even to the point of doing something illegal. The more we help promote and contribute to organ donation, the more lives we can save. There is a new name added to the list every 10 minutes while around 20 people die a day waiting for an organ. Organ donation is the process of surgically removing an organ or tissue from one person (the organ donor) and placingRead MorePersuasive Speech On Organ Donation973 Words  | 4 Pagesbecome a live organ donor and donating a kidney to my husband Keisy. Nowadays the number of people in need of organ donation is constantly raising and one of the greatest ways we can help someone even save their lives is by becoming a live organ donor. Long before I have met my husband, he has been diagnosed with the end stage kidney disease. That meant his kidneys were failing and he needed a kidney transplant in a near future. His name was entered in the National Organ Donation list. MeanwhileRead MoreA Persuasive Speech On Organ Donation947 Words  | 4 Pagesname is, Lizette Vazquez, and I am here to talk to you about becoming an organ donor. Many people wait for years for organs to become available, the need for organ donors is growing. Donate and save a life. If you had a chance to save a life and or change their life, would you do it? If you answered no, to this question would your feelings change, towards organ donation if someone in your family or close to you need an organ transplant? Can you imagine, what it would feel like to get handed a deathRead MorePersuasive Speech : Organ Donation1335 Words  | 6 Pagesto make. C. My name is Morgan Silva and I am here to talk to you about organ donation, how you can become one, and the ways your family and donor recipients benefit from the donation you made. II. Body A. People often ask themselves what organ donation is and what it involves. 1. According to Medline Plus, organ donation takes healthy organs and tissues from one person for transplantation into another. a. All kinds of organs can be donated to save a life: the kidneys, the heart, the liver, the pancreasRead MorePersuasive Speech On Organ Donation1048 Words  | 5 Pageshigh enough. These people need organs, and it is on us to help. It takes just one of us to save as many as eight people on the list. People need to be educated on organ donation and the opportunities it creates rather than a hasty decision that is made when you apply for your driver’s license. Organ donation is an amazingly powerful and underestimated practice. I believe everyone should become more open to the idea of helping others through the donation of their organs, which would otherwise be entirelyRead MoreOrgan Donation Persuasive Speech Essay1115 Words  | 5 Pagescouldn’t live without? Imagine you are lying in a hospital bed and you have no choice but to impatiently wait for that one organ you and your body are depending on to survive. Many people face this struggle every day. These people are waiting on a list for their perfect match†¦ the perfect person to be their organ donor. An organ donor is a person who has an organ, or several organs, removed in ordered to be transplanted into another person. Imagine that one of your loved ones are in the hospital†¦Read MorePersuasive Speech About Organ Donation1369 Words  | 6 Pagesan organ transplant (â€Å"Data†). These people wait patiently as death knocks on their door. In America, we can do so much to ensure that people will live on with the donations of organs. Unfortunately, many are unaware of the amount of people who are dying that are waiting for an organ. Organ donation is a great way to save someones life, and continue the life of a loved one. Although it is a great way to give someone a new life many people are uninformed about donation and how valuable organs areRead MorePersuasive Outline-Organ Donation886 Words  | 4 PagesPERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE – ORGAN DONATION Topic: Organ donation Thesis Statement: Becoming an organ donor after death is not only an important decision for yourself, but it is also an important decision for the life that you may have the power to save. Purpose: To persuade my audience to consider becoming organ donors after death  Introduction: 1. Organ donation is a selfless way to give back to others, and to be able to make a huge difference by giving another person a second chanceRead MorePersuasive Speech Outline Essay examples942 Words  | 4 PagesPersuasive Speech Outline Topic: Organ Donation General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: After listening to my speech my audience will consider donating their organs and tissues after death and to act upon their decision to donate. Central Idea: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an organ donor when you no longer need your organs. Introduction: How do you feel when you’re waiting for something you really really want? Or what if it’s not even
Monday, May 18, 2020
Preparation and Characterization of Melamine-Formaldehyde Crosslinked Acrylic Resins - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1499 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/03/18 Category Analytics Essay Level High school Tags: Characterization Essay Did you like this example? Abstract This lab involves the synthesis of an acrylic polymer. The reagents of hydroxyethyl acrylate, styrene, and butyl acrylate were reacted in a semi-batch process The product was then stored for one week before being crosslinked with a melamine-formaldehyde resin and a catalyst. The resulting coating was applied to an Al panel, cured, and tested according to ASTM D5402 for solvent resistance. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Preparation and Characterization of Melamine-Formaldehyde Crosslinked Acrylic Resins" essay for you Create order This process was repeated and the formulation adjusted until a formulation exceeded 200 MEK double-rubs. The formulation was then created in a larger batch and applied to Al, steel, and free-film substrates by drawdown bars. These samples were then cured and characterized using various ASTM methods based on mechanical and chemical properties. Keywords Melamine-Formaldehyde, Acrylic Resins, Crosslinking, Characterization, Semi-Batch Introduction Acrylic resins were first used in the 1950s in the automotive industry.2 They have since increased their durability and practicality. Acrylic resins are formed by radical chain polymerization. This process has three stages: initiation, propagation, and termination. The formation of a radical is what begins this polymerization. That radical species is then able to react with monomer to produce a carbon radical on the monomer. This new radical can then react with other monomer creating a longer and longer chain of monomer. This polymer continues to grow being driven forward by the reactivity of the radical until it is terminated by either another radical or by other means.2 The objective of this lab is to successfully synthesize an acrylic resin with favorable PDI, then crosslink the polymer with melamine-formaldehyde. This reaction looks to create a coating that will be able to be tested using numerous characterization techniques following ASTMs. Experimental The first step in this experiment was the synthesis of the acrylic resin. A semi-batch process was used in this synthesis. Xylene (100.0g) was added to the resin kettle and began heating to 90? °C. A nitrogen flow was then started to blanket the entire apparatus. Special care was taken to not have an excessive flow to preserve the solvent. While the solvent is heating, hydroxyethyl acrylate (15.0g), styrene (82.6g), butyl acrylate (52.5g), and Vazo 67 (3.75g) was mixed in an Erlenmeyer flask until the initiator, Vazo 67, was fully dissolved. This solution was then added to an addition funnel that ran into the kettle of xylene. The monomer solution began being deposited into the heated solvent dropwise. The temperature was monitored constantly. The temperature goal of the addition period was 90-95? °C. To control the temperature, the mantle was turned off and lowered to cool and raised and turned on to heat. This back-and-forth heating and cooling cycle created a predictable and s teady heating throughout the addition. The entire addition lasted 56 minutes. Once the entire monomer solution was added, the batch was held at the 90-95? °C for an additional 30 minutes. A chaser of xylene (2.5g) and Vazo 67 (0.5g) was added directly into the kettle after this waiting period. The temperature was then maintained for an additional hour. This complete synthesis was followed by cooling the resin and storing for future use in a sealed jar. One week after the synthesis, formulation with a crosslinker was performed along with characterization. The first test was determining percent solids according to ASTM D2369. The percent solids was determined to be 51.88%. With this information, a formulation can be calculated with the crosslinker, Cymel 303. The formulation of synthesized resin (10.00g), Cymel 303 (1.30g)(25%), and pTSA (0.026g)(0.5%) was prepared with a drop of the flow aid, Byk 301 in solvent. This was then drawn down on an Al panel that was chemically cleaned with solvent. The drawdown was conducted with a 5 mil bar. The panel was left to flash dry for 15 minutes before being put in a 160? °C oven for 20 minutes. To test the cure, MEK double rubs were conducted according to ASTM D5402. If the coating passed more than 200 rubs without failing, then the formulation passes and can be used for further testing. The initial formulation failed at 50 rubs. The formulation was adjusted twice more with identical formulat ion as stated above except the amount of catalyst, pTSA, was increased with every new formulation. The final successful formulation contained the synthesized resin (20.09g), Cymel 303, (2.63g)(25%), and pTSA (0.21g)(2%). This formulation successfully exceeded 200 rubs and was used to coat Al and steel panels. A glass panel was also used to attain a thin film and for gloss measurements. These Al and steel panels were subjected to numerous ASTM test methods explained in the Results and Discussion section. Results and Discussion The acid number was calculated to be 0.55 using Equation (1). (Acid Number)=(mL of KOH)(Normality)(56.1)/((g of Sample) ) (1) The hydroxyl equivalence was calculated to be 0.010 using equation (2). (OH Eq.)=((g of OH Monomer))/((OH Eq.of Monomer)) (2) The hydroxyl equivalent weight was calculated to be 1501.00g/eq using equation (3) (OH Eq.Weight)=((g))/((OH Eq.)) (3) The value of Tg (theoretical) was calculated using equation (4). 1/T_g =W_1/T_g1 +W_2/T_g2 +W_3/T_g3 +?†¹?+W_n/T_gn (4) The value of Tg(theoretical) was calculated to be 16.18? °C of the synthesized resin. The measured Tg using DSC was found to be 35.55? °C. This result are found in Figure 1 The thin-film coatings Tg was measured using DSC as well and yielded 57.39? °C. This result is found in Figure 2. Figure 1: Synthesized Resin DSC Figure 2: Thin-Film DSC The results of the DSC tests differ than the theoretically calculated ones. This difference is worth noting. The temperature was held constant within the range during the entire experiment (discarding the start-up). The range was 90.0-94.9? °C. A possibility for this variance is the use of older reagents. It is possible that self-polymerization could have began in any of the reagents that were used. This would also explain the variance in the PDI as shown in Table 1. A more likely source of this difference could be directed from the rate of addition. As shown in Table 3, the rate at which the monomer solution was added was not constant at all throughout the addition with a range of rates from 20 to 40 mL per 10 minutes. This would lead to variations in chain length. An advantage of semi-batch synthesis is that one can control the rate of the addition of monomer. The idea is to keep a steady flow throughout the polymerization. This was not maintained, and the results might vary beca use of it. DMA was supposed to be performed on the thin-film, but the film was too brittle and was impossible to measure. Table 1: Results of Resin Analysis Percent Solids MW Mn PDI Tg (theor.) Tg (Actual) Value 51.88% 17250 10755 1.604 16.18? °C 35.55? °C SD 0.36% Table 2: Results of Crosslinked Coating Tests and Characterization Conical Bend Pencil Hardness Crosshatch Impact (in*lb) Konig Hardness Thickness (? µm) Gloss Forward Reverse 20? ° 60? ° 85? ° Value 32% 8H Fail 5B 78.4 62.72 191.67 41.84 164 162.2 114.4 SD 7H Pass 1.25 1.51 7.29 4.66 2.42 Table 2: Data Observed During the Addition of Monomer Solution Time (min) Amount Added (mL) Temperature (? °C) 0 0 85.1 10 35 91.7 20 25 92.3 30 40 91.3 40 25 91.3 50 20 94.0 56 25 93.0 Despite the temperature maintenance, the conversion rate of the monomer was less than 99%. This is known because of the percent solids value. A percent solids value of 66% would have given a more promising conversion percentage. This value could have been raised by keeping a steady flow and by heating the sample longer and with slightly more initiator. This would increase the conversion rate, but it could lead to other problems with PDI. This synthesis needs to be run through in one go. The initiation, propagation, and termination are not processes that can simply be paused. If temperature were to drop to room temperature, then termination could end early and leave monomer unreacted or with a low MW. Any loss of solvent over time would also affect the viscosity and make measurements of percent solids more difficult. GPC was used to find the MW and Mn of the synthesized resin. GPC works by first diluting the resin and passing it through a series of columns. The size of the polymers begin to separate and larger MW polymers do not diffuse through the columns as fast as the lower MW polymers. The amount of polymer that exits the column series over time is measured and compared to a standard polymer.1 It is important to note the limitations of GPC. There are several variables such as the flow rate and elution volume that can give incorrect results.1 As shown in Table 2, this coating had its strengths and weaknesses as far as coating performance goes. The coating could be harder which can be accomplished by increasing the crosslinking. This could be done but not too much to avoid creating an inflexible and brittle coating. Conclusion This lab encompassed the synthesis and characterization of an acrylic resin. This resin was then crosslinked with melamine-formaldehyde to form a coating that was then subjected to a solvent resistant test. A correct formulation was found and many panels were created using this coating. The coating was then subjected to numerous tests and processes to learn about its physical and chemical properties. References Holding S.R. Gel Permeation Chromatography. Endeavour. Volume 8, Issue 1, 1984, Pages 17-20. (accessed Oct. 2, 2018). Wicks, Z. W. Organic Coatings: Science and Technology; Wiley-Interscience: Hoboken, NJ, 2007.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Attorney Client Privilege - 2121 Words
The interesting part of the two matters I will be addressing here is that an individual almost has to know prior to a suit being filed that litigation may occur. Discussions and written matter, all correspondence, emails and documents exchanged between parties should be prepared with a thought to potential litigation. Attorney Client Privilege and the Work Product Doctrine are two separate and distinct issues and should be treated within the legal world as separate disclosures. Attorney Client Privilege, which originated in Roman and canon law, has evolved into a recognized judicial doctrine and is necessary in order to provide clients with access to effective, well informed counsel. In Upjohn Co. v US the Supreme Court the Court†¦show more content†¦Prior to a corporation or its employees taking action, it usually requires an informed legal advice. Legal direction may be either taken or dismissed; the point is that in order to provide an informed decision counsel and its direct reports are provided with confidential information. Counsel reviews the confidential information and provides an opinion on the issue. This opinion may or may not support the legality of a matter and the company may or may not act because of the information provided, however, the confidentiality of the initial information provided, the attorney’s thought process, as well as all reasoning associated with this process needed to be retained as confidential. Particularly when a corporation has in-house counsel, counsel may wear two hats. Not only is the counsel required to provide legal information, some with expert business sense, is asked to provide operational and directional advice. Corporate counsel usually holds more than one title; (in addition to those of General Counsel, Corporate Counsel, Associate Corporate Counsel, etc.) they may also hold the title of an Officer of the company (e.g. Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Secretary, etc.) Counsel needs to be able to separate these titles to ensure that the General Counsel’s Work Product andShow MoreRelatedClient Attorney Privilege : The Code Of Silence940 Words  | 4 Pages Client attorney privilege is describes the code of silence that is a legally recognized right of the client to tell his attorney anything and the attorney will can not disclose this privileged communication. However, in some cases it s sad that you as the attorney have to refer to the code of silence in order not to be disbarred. I know I would want to give that mother of the five years boy some closure and stop the argany with the hopes that her five year old is still alive. I also understandRead More The Attorney-Client Privilege2235 Words  | 9 PagesMichmerhuizen the Attorney-Client Privilege means â€Å"The concepts of lawyer confidentiality and Attorney-Client Privilege both concern information that the lawyer must keep private and are protective of the client’s ability to confide freely in his or her lawyer †(1). I firmly believe that the Attorney-Client Privilege should not be abolished because it would be changing something our nation has been exposed to for so long, helps build a good relationship between client and attorney, and is most importantlyRead MoreAttorney Client Privilege And Confidentiality1192 Words  | 5 Pages Alton Logan Case: Attorney-Client Privilege and Confidentiality Samantha Naylor Kaplan University 7/27/15 â€Æ' Alton Logan: Attorney-Client Privilege and Confidentiality In 1982, Alton Logan was charged and sentenced to life in prison for the first-degree murder of a McDonald’s security guard in Illinois after three witnesses identified him despite the fact that several family members gave testimonies stating that Logan was home in the bed when the murder occurred (CBSNews, 2008). Around the sameRead MoreCase Analysis : Attorney Client Communication1529 Words  | 7 PagesMEMORANDUM ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT TO: Ted Becker FROM: David F. 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Gallagher St. Leo University January 28, 2016 Author Note Amberjean Marie Gallagher, Virginia Beach, Virginia No noted changes in affiliation. There were no grants or other financial support for my study. No other colleagues assisted in conducting research and development of this paper. Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Amberjean Marie Gallagher, 1616 Quail Point Rd, Virginia Beach, VA, 23454 E-mail: amberjean.gallagher@emailRead MoreStephen assignment draft Essay830 Words  | 4 PagesMEMORANDUM From: Stephen Haas To: Reader Date: July 8, 2011 Re: Divulging Confidential Information About our client Ener G. Traidor Relevant Facts Our client, Ener G. Traidor (â€Å"Traidor†), has retained our firm to assist with his acquisition of an oil drilling company. During the course of the representation, we discovered that Traidor’s plans involved drilling in a manner than could produce dangerous results for a nearby town’s water supply. We have presented Traidor our concerns about the impact
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of Eagle Rock Jr. / Sr. High School - 862 Words
The traditional public school that I chose and that I am observing is called Eagle Rock Jr./ Sr. High School. This public school is the only one with a 7-12 grade configuration with comprehensive junior and senior high school. They offer the magnet program for gifted students in grades 7-12. Moreover, they offer a fully authorized IB middle school year Programme to students from 7-10, and the IB Diploma Programme for students in grades 11-12. This school was established in 1927 and the campus is around 40 acres. This campus includes the current main building, gymnasium facilities, auditorium, tennis courts, and a swimming pool. Eagle Rock High School ranks number 15 in LA county, number 43 in CA, and number 343 in the nation. From the last data recorded in 2011-2012, the total student population consists of 8 percent of Asia students, 21 percent Filipino, 0.2 percent Pacific Islander, 2 percent African American, 58 percent Hispanic, 10 percent White, and 1.0 American Indian/ Alaska n. There are approximately 2, 391 enrolled in this school year from which 34 percent are gifted or talented, 11 percent students with disabilities, 6 percent English learners, and 25 percent are reclassified fluent in English proficient. According to the US News and World Report, about 65 percent of the students are considered to be economically disadvantaged. From these students, 51 percent were eligible for the free lunch program and with a household income of $29,995 for a family of four. TheShow MoreRelatedImpact of Promotional Strategies on Consumer Buying Behaviors: a Case of Hollister Co18263 Words  | 74 Pages.................................................................. 20 3.7 Time Horizon: ............................................................................................................................. 21 3.8 Data Collection and Data Analysis: ............................................................................................ 22 3.9 Ethical Con sideration: ................................................................................................................. 22 3.10Read MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 Pagesfollowing classification of cases by subject matter to be helpful. I thank those of you who made this and other suggestions. Classification of Cases by Major Marketing Topics Topics Most Relevant Cases Marketing Research and Consumer Analysis Coca-Cola, Disney, McDonald’s, Google, Starbucks Product Starbucks, Nike, Coke/Pepsi, McDonald’s, Maytag, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Newell Rubbermaid, DaimlerChrysler, Kmart/Sears, Harley-Davidson, Boeing/Airbus, Merck, Boston Beer, Firestone/FordRead MoreCase Studies67624 Words  | 271 PagesCase Studies C-1 INTRODUCTION Preparing an effective case analysis C-3 CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 3 CASE 4 CASE 5 CASE 6 CASE 7 ABB in China, 1998 C-16 Ansett Airlines and Air New Zealand: A flight to oblivion? C-31 BP–Mobil and the restructuring of the oil refining industry C-44 Compaq in crisis C-67 Gillette and the men’s wet-shaving market C-76 Incat Tasmania’s race for international success: Blue Riband strategies C-95 Kiwi Travel International Airlines Ltd C-105 CASE 8 Beefing up the beeflessRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words  | 860 Pagessituations, but keep in mind that the larger case studies, such as Convin Corporation and The Blue Spider Project, could have been listed under several topics. Several of the cases and situations have seed questions provided to assist the reader in the analysis of the case. An instructor s manual is available from John Wiley Sons, Inc., to faculty members who adopt the book for classroom use. Almost all of the case studies are factual. In most circumstances, the cases and situations have been taken from
Disability Affects Devleopment Free Essays
3. 3 – Explain how disability may affect development Children with a disability may be subjected to prejudice or discrimination at school. They may be bullied or ridiculed by other students which will affect their self-confidence and in turn affect their learning capabilities and development. We will write a custom essay sample on Disability Affects Devleopment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Disabilities are categorised in different forms i. e. learning or physical. Learning disabilities which affect development could be. Autism; autism is a developmental disability which affects how a person relates and communicates with other people and the world around them. A child/young person with autism finds it difficult to understand facial expressions or the tone of a voice. They can feel lonely and cut off from society as they avoid social interaction. This could affect their ability to development or interact in social settings or in the classroom. Dyslexia; is a difficulty in learning to read. A child/young person suffering from this may become frustrated and problems could arise at home or in school, behavioural problems could also be seen, as well as the child becoming unmotivated or developing a dislike for school. If dyslexia is undetected then this will affect their development at school and could spoil any chance of achievement. Cerebral palsy; cerebral palsy is a condition which affects the movement, posture and co-ordination of a person. A child/young person with this disability may only be affected physically with this disability while others could be affected by seizures, epilepsy or difficulties with speech and language. The social model of disability. In the 1970’s and 1980’s a civil rights based approach was developed by disabled people. Buildings were built in such a way that there was no access for wheelchairs. Information was produced in a way that disabled people could not use. Attitudes and stereotypes about a disabled person prohibited a disabled person from having the same opportunities as an able bodied person. Special services were created that kept disabled people segregated and cut off from everybody. The medical model of disability. Under this model a disabled person was defined by their illness or medical condition. If they did not fit into society then they were institutionalised or kept isolated at home. A disabled person had no options over: What school they attended, what support they received, If they were allowed to work and where they could work. Overall in the last fifty years there has been a huge step in thinking when it comes to the care and education of disabled children and young people. in the past the social and medical mode of disability meant that opportunities for learning and developing were denied for those with disabilities. However, today there is a different approach and majority of settings look for ways of increasing learning and development for disabled children and young people. How to cite Disability Affects Devleopment, Papers
Exploitation of the Workers in the Retail Industry
Question: Discuss about theExploitation of the Workers in the Retail Industry. Answer: Introduction In regards to the social development, the retail entails the process of selling consumer goods or the services to the consumers using different channels of distribution in order to earn profits. The Quickshop is probably one of the retail industry which highly concentrate on the customer satisfaction (Campbell, Boese Tham, 2016). It has more than 60 stores in Queensland, Australia providing an in-depth shopping experience through offering more choice and value to the client. Nonetheless, the Quickshop as a medium sized business that is looking forward to providing more branches and becomes the best in the industry faces various issues. One of the biggest problems they are facing is the exploitation of the workers in the retail industry which consequently may have implication on the brand of the business (Campbell, Boese Tham, 2016). The report aims to examine different types of exploitation and the potential demerits about the exploitation of the workers in the retail industry. Summary of the Issue There are different types of exploitation of the employees by their employers, especially in Australian retail industry. One of the ways is an underpayment of employees. The workers are paid below the minimum wages at $10 instead of a wage of 24 dollars. This has been exhibited in one chain store sevem-7 in Australia (Burgmann, 1995). The employees especially those from foreigners have had their visas taken, and forced to work for long hours which are of the permit condition to stay in that country. There are also concerns about the wage theft where workers wage are robbed of their part-time work especially the penalty rates for working at night, weekends and perhaps during the public holiday. The half pay scam has been dominating in the Australian retail industries where the workers work for 40 hours a week for an average of 12 dollars per hour against the award rate of 24.69 dollars per hour. This is labor exploitation, particularly when one works for more than 16 hours without a b reak. Exploitation of the workers in the retail industry has many demerits. Exploitation is a bad example as well as severe damage to the legitimate rights and the interest of employees. The press practices and exploitation of the employees are a grave violation of the business law and social practices (Webster Randle, 2016). On social, economic and development the exploitation of workers might not bring profit and health operation of the firm but instead, stagnate on the development of the organization. Consequently, this will lead to the wrong impression for the corporate image and brand management. Implication forBusiness The exploitation of workers is a common practice in the retail industry; this will have a harmful impact on the industry. The customers will no longer trust in the retail industry because they are providing unfair working practices (Esposito Evangelista, 2014). The need to take proactive steps is imperative and ensures that the franchise business partners adheres to both ethical and legal business standards while being profitable. Additionally, the industry needs to provide a convenient shopping experience to the customers and provide fair opportunities to the workers. A fit for purpose approach would be appropriate for the retail industry to enable them to increase profit. References Burgmann, V. (1995). Revolutionary industrial unionism: the industrial workers of the world in Australia. CUP Archive. Campbell, I., Boese, M., Tham, J. C. (2016). Inhospitable workplaces? International students and paid work in food services. Esposito, E., Evangelista, P. (2014). Investigating virtual enterprise models: literature review and empirical findings. International Journal of Production Economics, 148, 145-157. Webster, J., Randle, K. (2016). Virtual workers and the global labour market. Dynamics.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Salinger, J.D. The Catcher In The Rye Essay Example For Students
Salinger, J.D. The Catcher In The Rye Essay Holden Caulfield, the main character in J.D. Salingers The Catcher in the Rye, is what I believe to be one of the most well-developed characters which I have read about. He has many characteristics that are all his own, such as the way he views the world, his friends and his family. One of the main things that characterizes Holden, is that way that he thinks the entire world is phony.Holdens view of the world as phony is a very strong one, and in most cases, is correct. Holden thinks that the majority of the people in the world are putting on some sort of an act to impress or befriend people. In a way, Holden is probably correct in thinking that most of the people he came in contact with are phony, such as his roommate at Pencey, Ward Stradlater. In one instance, Holden refers to Stradlater as a secret slob. He describes how Stradlater always tries to be neat and tidy on the outside so as to impress people, but how he is not when you get to know him. In the scene where Holden and Stradlater are in the can, and Stradlater is getting ready for a date, Holden describes Stradlaters razor as rusty as hell and full of lather and hair and crap. Another of Holdens run-ins with phonies, came to him while he was in New York City. He was lonely and looking for someone to keep him company, so he calls a girl named Faith Cavendish. He was told about Faith by a friend of his who went to Princeton, Eddie Birdsell. When he calls Faith, she has no desire to talk to him whatsoever, and she makes that quite clear, until Holden drops the name of Eddie, and she instantly perks up at the thought that Holden might be an important person. She asks Holden where hes calling from, and he replies a phone booth, and he tells her that he has no money, and she then tells Holden that she has no time. The wat that Faith changes her mind so quickly when she finds that Holden has no money is a prime example of the phonies Holden encounters. Another general example of what Holden thinks is phony is actors. He talks about how D. B. took Phoebe and him to see Hamlet, and he talks about Sir Laurence Olivier, and how the play would have been good, except that Olivier knew he was good, and that spoils it. Holden says how he cant go to a play and pay attention to what the actor is saying because he has to keep worrying about whether hes going to do something phony every minute.Holden has another incident with phonies when he invites Sally Hayes on a date. Holden takes her to a play, which he considers phony as it is, but then at intermission, Sally meets a man who she hasnt seen for years, and they began a big phony act. Holden says,Youve though that they hadnt seen each other for twenty years they probably even hugged and kissed checks and all. This is the kind of behavior that Holden obviously never grew up with, isnt used to, and doesnt like.Through his experiences in New York City, and his many flings with phony women, Holden grows to believe that everyone in phony in some way. He thinks that the whole world is phony, and its not likely that everyone in the world is corrupted or phony, so is it possible that all the characters in the novel are all really normal and Holden is really the only phony one?
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