Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Vital Pieces of Accomplishment Essay Samples
Vital Pieces of Accomplishment Essay Samples Failure is something which reaches all horizons. You should have your reasons, and our principal concern is that you find yourself getting an excellent grade. The major portion of your research paper is known as the body. While it's important to concentrate on learning a trade, it is every bit as important to have people skills. Therefore, it impacts the choices students make. You can have a better feeling of the way to introduce the paper as soon as you have drafted some or all the body. How to Choose Accomplishment Essay Samples No individual result ought to be viewed as a normal effect of following the SparkPeople program. We were thus able to coincide with the most suitable set of banking solutions to the correct prospects and customize effectively. Social networking is the main reason for lots of the world's problems and solutions it can be utilised to raise. Not all the information that you write down will eventually find its way to your private statement. Our tools are especially useful during the early proposal phases of engineering, when time is important. Kibin essay editing consists of comprehensive editing. It's putting all your research together in a format that you're able to present to people. What You Should Do to Find Out About Accomplishment Essay Samples Before You're Left Behind Who knew essay writing might be so tough. Developing a superior essay demands that you do proper preparations. Reading example essays works exactly the same way! You'll observe a similar structure in several of the essays. If you've ever wondered about how to begin a scholarship essay, it's simpler if you remember a few crucial points. After you receive a task done from us you will return again if you need assistance with another one of your essays. Please note that a few of these college essay examples might be responding to prompts that are no longer being used. This student is clearly an excellent writer. The following advice will help you have a better prospect of winning. You will need to be clear on your goals for college as a way to convince other people to help you. Actually, my career isn't really long but I really enjoy the progress I have already made since the beginning of my professional work. The interviewers don't wish to learn your day job is just supposed to finance your subscription to internet role playing games or UFO hunting on the weekends. Also, make certain you read and understand the directions on the scholarship application. Ensure you apply for as many scholarships as possible, that you truly qualify for. Some scholarship applications demand a postmark of a specific date. Many scholarship applications request that you compose your community service involvement on the program, and after that offer you only a very small space to write. A Startling Fact about Accomplishment Essay Samples Uncovered If you believe you don't have any career accomplishments, think again. The accomplishment doesn't have to be earth shattering, but you need to demonstrate the reason it's very important to you and the way that it has affected you in a discernible way. Personal accomplishments aren't work-related. Take into consideration your greatest professional accomplishment and the way you achieved it. All these question brings to memory varied accomplishments at various phases of my career. You are able to describe successes on the job, as an example, or volunteer jobs you have excelled at before. Adding an accomplishments section to your resume is a sup erb means to demonstrate your best achievements and regions of expertise as they relate to the job which you're applying for. There are a lot of job opportunities which are available to me with this degree. The Ultimate Accomplishment Essay Samples Trick A strong essay should showcase your capacity to learn more about the importance of the event you've chosen. Gathering enough information that's required to create your essay will initially ask you to understand the task you've got at hand. Transition sentences should demonstrate a connection between the 2 topics. I'm looking frontward to this valuable experience since it will further consolidate my urge to analyze wellness and societal attention. They need to visit a slice of your life. The obvious answer you'll get from the students is that majority are always stuck and don't understand where exactly they need to begin. An individual who has won numerous awards or acknowledgments will attempt to incorporate all them and wind up turning their essay into little more than a prose list. Life isn't always about the huge picture. It gave me an urge to live and succeed, and this is the reason why rowing is the largest accomplishment of my life, however short-lived it was, for without rowing I wouldn't be the exact same person which I am today. Show precisely what you achieved and why it turned out to be a considerable accomplishment. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Do not be scared to reveal committee members that you're proud. Corporate Socia l Responsibility is significant to a lot of businesses. These admission essays do serve an important role as it ends up allowing you to talk in an immediate approach to the graduate committee. The admissions committee is going to be glad to hear you've got such a wide array of interests.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Ernest Hemingway An Influential Writer - 2132 Words
Ernest Hemingway is considered one of the most influential writers of his time. His fictional stories contain a great deal of information surrounding his life, letting his readers in without saying that it is about him. Hemingway grew up in Oak Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, where after high school he decided to forgo college and begin his career as a journalist, an unexpected move after having a successful high school career. However, even without any formal college education, he became a significant writer that was well respected around the world. The question of how remains even decades after his death. Hemingway, a sheltered suburbanite, branched out and gained a better understanding of the world through numerous life experiences such as his contributions to several wars, his years as a journalist as further travels. This allowed Hemingway the insight he needed to become the renowned author that is still well received today. A year after graduating high school, Hemingway d ecided to put forth his efforts into joining the war after becoming inspired when he saw men he knew joining. However, he was skeptical, believing his poor eyesight would leave him unaccepted. It wasn’t until engaging with fellow Kansas City Star reporter, Theodore Brumback, that Hemingway learned he could still help the war effort by becoming an ambulance driver for the American Field Service. Leaving behind his disapproving father, the rest of his family and reigning from the Star afterShow MoreRelatedErnest Hemingway s The Lost Generation885 Words  | 4 PagesErnest Hemingway was a famous modernist writer during the 20th century. Hemingway was part of what was known as â€Å"The Lost Generation†this name arose post-World War 1. The modernist movement was a drastic change in numerous things such as art and literature. Ernest contributed much to this movement with his literary works. World War 1 played a major role in not only modernism, but also Hemingwayâ€⠄¢s writing. Ernest Miller Hemingway was a modernist writer who took his experiences from World War 1 andRead More Ernets Hemingway Essay example1287 Words  | 6 Pages Ernest Hemingway I.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Introduction to Ernest Hemingway II.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Life and Times A.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Early Life 1.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Birth 2.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Parents 3.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Influences 4.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Siblings 5.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hobbies B.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Adulthood 1.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;War 2.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Influences 3.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;MarriageRead MoreErnest Hemingway, the Writer of Lost Generation Essay1322 Words  | 6 PagesLiving in the overwhelming burden of the war, the â€Å"Lost Generation†, which Ernest Hemingway was a part of, was a group of people spending their spring of life in warfare and aftereffect of war (Lost Generation). He was a laureate of the Novel Prize in Literature in 1954 as an influential American novelist. Ernest Hemingway expressed his experience and sentiments in his writings, exerting profound impact on American Literature (Nobel Prize). His birth, upbringing, employment, literary works, and effectRead MoreAn Analysis Of Ernest Hemingway s The Old Man 1678 Words  | 7 PagesErnest Hemingway?s The Old Man in the Sea is one of his most memorable books. He was trying to send us all a message about the struggles of everyday life. He wrote the book with minimal amounts of characters but with many examples of symbolism. The way Hemingway wrote this novel he left it open for interpretation despite his claim that there no hidden messages. Hemingway?s use of symbolism was very evident in this book. Many of us can interpret each symbol differently. Some critics believe hisRead MoreErnest Hemingway: A Brief Biography 1210 Words  | 5 PagesErnest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois in 1899. He was a writer who started his career with a newspaper office in Kansas City when he was seventeen. When the United States got involved in the First World War, Hemingway joined with a volunteer ambulance unit in the Italian army. During his service, he was wounded, and was decorated by the Italian Government. Upon his return to the United States, he was employed by Canadian and American newspapers as a reporter, and sent back to EuropeRead MoreAnalysis Of A Farwell To Arms By Ernest Hemingway1490 Words  | 6 PagesErnest Hemingway was a great American writer that accomplished many pieces of work including short stories, novels and journals. Hemingway was born in 1899 and raised in Illinois; he first started writing in high school for his schools newspaper cover things such as the local orchestra and working for the school year book. After graduation from high school he started his first job as journalist in Kanas working for the Kansas City Star newspaper. Hemingway soon left Kansas to serve in WWI as anRead MoreThe Influence Of Heroism In The Old Man And The Sea By Ernest Hemingway754 Words  | 4 Pageson how to be a man (at least to me). The Hemingway’ way is different from most writers but it might just be the most influential. That is just my opinion. Out of all his works, we take three stories and one from Tim O’Brien whose work is influenced by the man himself. Our stories all tie in with one another and a trait they all share or the ones we will discuss are bravery/pressure and one look at antiheroism. Bravery is one main influence amongst Hemingway characters. The old man, Francis MacomberRead More hemingway Essay1427 Words  | 6 Pages Ernest Hemingway was an American writer. He was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. He committed suicide in 1961 in Ketchum, Idaho (Burges 17). Even today Hemingway is one of the most recognized authors in the world. Hemingway’s experiences during World War I are directly shown in many of his works. His general outlook on life is reflected in the adventures of his characters. It is clear that Hemingway had a desire to be part of the war even though, due to bad vision he was unable to enlist in theRead More Earnest Hemingway Essay3001 Words  | 13 Pages Earnest Hemingway nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As one of the 20th centurys most important and influential writers. His writings drew heavily on his own experiences for his writing. His writing reflected his trouble with relating to women and his tendency to treat them as objects, as he had four marriages and countless affairs, highlighting his theme of alienation and disconnection. Now here is why he is what he is by writing about what he was. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ernest Miller HemingwayRead MoreThe Struggle of Life and War in Ernest Hemingway’s Writing 1071 Words  | 5 PagesErnest Hemingway was one of the greatest authors of the twentieth century. His simple style, lucid depictions, and relatable narratives propelled him into a world of literary fame. These unique attributes are inimitable; Hemingway relates to the reader on a deeper level that even the best imitators cannot achieve. For this and many other reasons, critics praise Hemingway for the indefinable work of an exceptional writer. One of his most well-known novels, A Farewell to Arms, is notorious for its
Monday, December 9, 2019
Stories by Avicii free essay sample
Avicii has always been an interesting artist due to his mix of genres that he puts into each song. He reached lots of crowds and became known for several of his songs including Wake Me Up and Hey Brother. Unfortunately those songs were played to death on the radio and nobody really likes them any more. Avicii really stepped his game up in his most recent album in several ways that I felt really complemented his music style. His main success in my opinion was the fact that he made the album more upbeat and friendly than his last album True which, though wasnt always awful, isnt something that I wanted to listen to all the time. He also made his music a little friendlier for younger audiences with none of the language or more mature themes that were present in his last film. He does a great job mixing genres such as country or blues with electronic in several of his songs including Sunset Jesus, Trouble, and For a Better Day. We will write a custom essay sample on Stories by Avicii or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, most of his album is less adventurous in the way it combines music and the fact that it is mostly electronic. Though the tune is upbeat there are several slightly more serious songs about lost love, poverty, and crime. With lyrics like started out with nothin I still got most of that its clear that the viewpoint isnt entirely optimistic. There is a lot of great dance music on this album as well for those who enjoy that and several songs that are fairly optimistic such as The Nights, Broken Arrows, and True Believer. Overall this easily landed in my top five favorite albums with a host of songs I thoroughly enjoyed. I would give it 4.5/5 stars. Though it may not be perfect, very few albums are and this one comes closer than most.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Creating Motivation Analysis of Google, Starbucks, and Whole Foods Essay Example
Creating Motivation: Analysis of Google, Starbucks, and Whole Foods Paper Abstract Starbucks, Whole Foods and Google are three Fortune 500 companies that exhibit unique loyalty by their employees and have developed non-traditional methods for increasing employee motivation. They have achieved this success in part because of their ability to communicate with their employees. It is because of this communication that they are able to motivate employees through intrinsic rewards. Creating Motivation: Analysis of Google, Starbucks, and Whole Foods Introduction Ralph Waldo Emerson said: Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be. By championing new and innovative methods of employee motivation, companies are satisfying this need in their employees and inspiring new levels of achievement. Three Fortune 500 Companies that excel at employee motivation and are leaders in thinking outside of the box to achieve new levels of employee commitment and success are Whole Foods, Starbucks and Google. Each of these companies has a culture of motivation that includes using proven theories and models for motivation, but they are also pioneers in trying new techniques and proving new theories for obtaining employee inspiration and motivation. We will write a custom essay sample on Creating Motivation: Analysis of Google, Starbucks, and Whole Foods specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Creating Motivation: Analysis of Google, Starbucks, and Whole Foods specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Creating Motivation: Analysis of Google, Starbucks, and Whole Foods specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Use of Traditional Motivation Models and Theories In reviewing the three companies, each company is devoted to embracing process theories in how they motivate their employees. Whole Foods and Google seem to be especially aware of the need to customize and individualize programs for motivation and extrinsic rewards. Google helps accomplish this individualization by allowing each engineer in the company to take one day a week to work on a project of their choice (Rodriguez). This practice is perhaps the ultimate in individualization, not only allowing the employee to choose the project but allowing them the autonomy and independence to manage the choice and project. Starbucks on the other hand, has developed a completely customizable benefits package for employees (Starbucks). This commitment to customization and the realization that there is no true one size fits all provides a dedication to the company by employees who are unique and need unique solutions for their diverse benefits need. These varied approaches to employee needs, speak to the expectancy theory and provide for implications of individual need while driving instrumentality and reinforcing employees’ belief that if one achieves given performance, they can expect the company to meet the expectation with unique rewards for the employee. Whole Foods also has many facets of their motivation plan that fulfill traditional theory and lead employees to work with the belief in valence and the understanding that efforts will be rewarded. Motivation and Organizational Culture In each of these three companies, employee motivation is practically imbedded within the company’s respective cultures. Starbucks, Whole Foods, as well as Google have all been named to Fortune Magazine’s 2008 100 Best Companies to work for. Google ranked first, Starbucks seventh and Whole Foods sixteenth (Fortune). The annual ranking is derived through an extensive evaluation of company policies and culture and the opinions of the companys own employees. Two-thirds of the total score comes from employee responses to a 57-question survey answered by 400 randomly selected employees. Questions include attitudes toward management, job satisfaction and camaraderie. The remaining one-third of the score is based on an evaluation of each companys demographic makeup, pay and benefits programs, and culture. Companies are scored in five areas: credibility (communication to employees), respect (opportunities and benefits), fairness (compensation, diversity), pride (philanthropy), and camaraderie (celebrations) (Whole Foods). These companies have all ranked on Fortune’s list multiple times and continuously move up the rankings. While, the ranking is not a sole indicator of employee motivation, the motivation of company’s employees does make up a significant portion of the ranking. The culture of these companies is more stake-holder centric than that of most American companies in general. Each of these companies sees their employees as a key stakeholder and truly believes that people are their greatest assets. Whole Foods focuses on whole people and its mission is clear, â€Å"our deepest purpose as an organization is helping support the health, well-being, and healing of both people  customers, team members†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Whole Foods). Likewise, Google and Starbucks are people centric organizations where what is the norm in other companies is not acceptable in their company. Google Inc. puts employees first when it comes to daily life in its headquarters. Google stresses collaboration and equity in wall-less offices and spontaneous meetings. Starbucks is the hallmark of service and knowing the customer. â€Å"We always figured that putting people before products just made good common sense. So far, it’s been working out for us†(Starbucks). This statement remains the focus of their business philosophy as well as the definition of their culture. Finding New Methods of Motivation Each of these companies has developed a reputation for re-inventing the way business is conducted in their respective industries as well as the nation as a whole. Similarly, Google, Starbucks, and Whole Foods have re-invented in ways how to motivate employees. By taking risks, trying new approaches, and truly getting to know their employees, these three companies have developed an arsenal of creative methods for motivating staff and achieving remarkable results. According to the work of Professor James Oakley at the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University, The best tool managers have for improving employee satisfaction is communication†(Gallo). This fact is evidenced by Google, Starbucks and Whole Foods. Each company has embraced communication to not only build a more committed workforce but to also develop a motivation method that drives results. A few of the unconventional methods these companies have put in practice include focusing on the larger social issues that matter to employees. Google, because of communication with its workforce has discovered that a majority of its employees are concerned about the environment and interested in alternative fuels. Because of this recognition of who its workforce was and what they cared about, Google now offers grants to help offset the purchase of hybrid cars by employees as one part of it’s motivational plan (Batstone). In addition, Google now allows all engineers a ‘free day’ each week to focus on a project of their choice (Rodriguez). This ‘free day’ which was the result of communication with staff has lead to an innovation explosion at Google. This policy has not only benefited the company in exponential innovation, it has reduced burnout and led to motivated and happy engineers. Whole Foods is another example of motivation methods at work that are unconventional. Whole Foods, through its team approach allows each department to function entrepreneurially within the company framework. The company has each time ire and fire based on consensus, in part because bonuses are made collectively, at the team level. While team bonuses are not new, Whole Foods enables all team access to information and free communication across the company (Erickson Gratton). This access to information motivates team to find out the best practices at other markets and strive to win. In addition to information, the ability to manage your team’s success and thus your own is a great motivator at Whole Foods. Likewise, Starbucks has reinvented motivation because of how it sees its employees. Howard Schultz, Starbucks’s Chairman and now C. E. O. has always had a vision, â€Å"not to build a coffee shop, but instead to build a company that treats people with dignity and respect†(Gallo). This is especially important for Starbucks since, the only competitive advantage it has is the relationship it has built with its people and the relationship they have built with the customer (Gallo). Starbucks has done a remarkable job of elevating the customer experience, but this was done in part because the company elevated the employee experience. The training invested at Starbucks is not unique, except in that it instills in each team member five principles, and then makes them personal (Michelli). Principle number one at Starbucks is making it personal. This is not just a principle for employees to master; it is a principle that motivates. Employees are empowered to take ownership and make the store and the customers their own. That line that often exists in our society, where we don’t get past the superficial has been removed for Starbucks employees and they are encouraged to get to know those around them. Social barrier removal is motivating. Conclusion and Analysis Motivation in the workplace comes down to communication and ownership. Companies like Google, Starbucks, and Whole Foods are not leading companies simply because they have a great business model or good leaders; they are leading companies because they take the time to communicate with their employees. When management communicates with employees, then they can equip and empower employees, and that leads to innovation and success. The key facet of these companies success in motivating their employees has been the communication with employees. Financial incentives are extrinsic and short-lived. Human connection creates fulfillment and long-lasting change (Gallo). As a manager, one’s role must be to inspire your employees every day to higher levels of achievement. The key with Google, Whole Foods, and Starbucks is not that they have abandoned extrinsic rewards but rather they have found a way to re-inforce, re-charge, and re-emphasize the intrinsic rewards that the work their employees complete brings. Employees are looking for a reason to get out of bed, show up for work, and enjoy what they are doing. While extrinsic rewards may bring some motivation it is short lived and produces only incremental results; however, intrinsic rewards create long term loyalty, motivation, and exponential results. Without communication, employees cannot obtain intrinsic rewards and employers cannot ensure that the opportunity for intrinsic rewards even exists. References Batstone, D. (2005, November). Helping Employees Into Hybrids. Business 2. 0, 6(10), 38-38. Retrieved April 5, 2008, from Business Source Premier database. Erickson, T. , Gratton, L. 2007, March). What It Means to Work Here. Harvard Business Review, 85(3), 104-112. Retrieved April 5, 2008, from Business Source Premier database Gallo, Carmine. (2008, January, 4). Your New Title: Chief Inspiration Officer. BusinessWeek. Retrieved April 6, 2008, from http://www. businessweek. com/print/smallbiz/content/jan2008/sb2008014_303969. htm Gallo, Carmine. (2008, January, 9). Bringing Passion to Starbucks, Travelocity. BusinessWeek. Retrieved April 6, 2008, from http://www. businessweek. com/smallbiz/content/jan2008/sb2008019_492857. tm Google. (n. d. ). You can be Serious without a Suit. Google: About Us: Philosophy. Retrieved April 6, 2008, from http://www. google. com/corporate/tenthings. html Michelli, Joseph A. (2007). The Starbucks Experience. New York: McGraw-Hill. Starbucks. (n. d. ). About Us: Starbucks Coffee Company. Starbucks Corporation. Retrieved April 6, 2008, from http://www. starbucks. com/aboutus/ Whole Foods. (n. d. ). Why Work Here?. Whole Foods Corporation. Retrieved April 6, 2008, from http://www. wholefoodsmarket. com/careers/workhere. html
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Global Capitalism and its Discontent
Global Capitalism and its Discontent Introduction At the inner core of the ideologies of free market, there is an associative mode linked to Adams Smith. The mode predominantly points out the profit-propelled market forces, which shape economies efficiently in a manner that permits the realization of plausible outcomes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Global Capitalism and its Discontent specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From the conceptualizations of Smith’s model, these free market forces orient economies in a way that ensures maximum efficiencies and effectiveness to sustain the growth of economies. In the sphere of the modern economic arguments, a considerable achievement rests on the capacity to demonstrate the logical contexts, conditions and the sense under which the conclusions reached by Adams Smith are valid and correct. In the economic theory, people argue that in the situations of imperfect information flow coupled with incomplete mark ets, a situation more common in the developing countries, hard works that are invisible also end up as imperfect. However, a government and international trade organizations and institutions introduced by market failures can deploy some interventions to bridge the inefficiencies. Globalization, as a concept widely acclaimed by the World Bank, is one of the concepts that people believe to narrow the gap of inefficiencies in production capacities of less endowed nations. It fosters the transfer of human capital while not negating the free global movement of skills. Consequently, people have formulated many of the World Bank’s policies to achieve the mentioned goals of globalization. However, with the advancement of the arguments by anti-globalists about the capacity of globalization to introduce inconsistencies and discontents, over the last decade, the World Bank has considered an alteration of some of its policies and practices in relation to drumming up the support for globa lization. By appreciating such changes, the paper unveils some reasons why the World Bank reformulated its development policies and practices in the last decade.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Why the World Bank reformulated its development policies and practices in the last decade Reformulation of development policies and practices by the World Bank over the last decade was not only anticipation but also a necessity. In the book Globalization and Its Discontents, Stiglitz’s reflects his 1993 personal experiences while serving the capacity of the chairperson of the Bill Clintons’ council of advisors coupled with his experiences as the chief economist of the World Bank as from 1997. According to Stiglitz, IMF and other international institutions work without paying much attention to the poor nations while formulating their policies (2002, p.26). S omewhat paramount to note is that policies formulated by such international institutions were mainly framed in such a way that they would foster the breakdown of world nations demarcations in terms of flow of human capital, technology and trade. Unfortunately, as Hass posits, these goals are not precisely achieved since globalization results in the placement of an obligation for nations to conduct an abridgement of their social legislations (2009, p.79). Often, this obligation gives rise to domestic protests. The trade policy debate during campaigns in the US may perhaps exemplify the magnitude of such protests especially in times of economic distress. Through the conceptualization of such a case under study, Stiglitz, (2002) claims about â€Å"†¦The IMF, WTO, and the World Bank’s lack of transparency and accountability†¦Without government oversight, they reach decisions without public debate†(p.57). With other criticisms and conflicts of globalization intro duced and discussed by O’Brien and Marc (2010) and Ravenhill (2010), a clear indication of the reasons why World Bank reformulated its policies and practices over the last decade surfaces. After the collapse of the infamous Washington DC conference, termed by Stiglitz (2002) as a conspiracy meeting aimed at engineering ways of running worldwide reforms in economic sectors (p.98), the World Bank considered sponsoring an online debate about globalization. People defined the subject under discussion as â€Å"the most common core sense of economic globalization†(Stiglitz 2002, p.98). This means that the core aim of globalization is to foster integration of the world economies into a single whole. During the Aspen Institute’s Conference, the president of the World Bank, Mr. Wolfensohn, informed the audience that â€Å"Globalization is a practical methodology for empowering the poor to improve their lives (Stiglitz 2002, p.98).Advertising We will write a cus tom essay sample on Global Capitalism and its Discontent specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The query on the capacity of globalization to achieve this noble role has, in return, immensely contributed to the alteration of the World Bank’s policies and practices. However, arguably, the change of the World Bank policies and practices in relation to globalization results from the repercussions of globalization as a worldwide trend. Proponents of globalization argue that global institutions, such as the World Bank, have been capacitated by advents of globalization to extend their services to not only their member states as stipulated by their charter, but also the global economy that is integrated. Nevertheless, Ravenhill reckons that â€Å"concrete reality lies behind that grand abstraction, not real individual workers, peasants, or small businessmen, but rather giant fictitious individuals, the transnational corporations†(2010, p.1 08). It is perhaps then significant to consider now some of the consequences of globalization that have made the World Bank to reconsider its policies and practices over the last decade. In the advancement of the arguments in the next sections, people consider globalization as part of World Bank and other international organization policies. Ability of nations As argued by critics, â€Å"Globalization has, over the years, been undercutting nations’ abilities to comprehend social and environmental costs in terms of prices†(Sklair 2002, p.77). Economic integration, as guided by principles of free markets in this context, may appear to produce lowering of standards of competition. However, as Stubbs and Underhill (2005, p.37) clarify, â€Å"The most competitive advantage in the arena of the international trade remains a reserve for those nations that conduct the poorest merging of social and environmental costs with prices†. The most conspicuous consequence of thi s is that a big portion of the world production moves to the nations that carry out the poorest tasks of counting costs. In a different perspective, this gives rise to contrasting impacts on domestic politics of a nation especially in those nations that are industrialized. On one hand, enhanced productivity improves the wellbeing of citizens. On the other hand, unemployment emerges. This constitutes to a paradox that requires interventions especially in the era of globalization.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A migration from menial tasks also takes place following the global transfer of human capital permitted by globalization. Clash of cultures arises coupled with the emergence of nationalism euphoria that advocates for exclusions. Advocates of globalization including the World Bank have then looked for ways of addressing this challenge. Perhaps based on these predicaments, the World Bank, over the last decade, has altered its policies and practices to incorporate and establish a central concern for multiculturalism tolerance. Anti-globalists argue that globalization, as highly advocated for by the World Bank, serves as a sure catalyst of global production efficiency reduction. It becomes necessary to alter practices and policies of the World Bank especially by bearing in mind that â€Å"As uncounted, externalized costs increase, the positive correlation between GDP growth and welfare disappears, or even becomes negative†(Stubbs Underhill 2005, p.37). In high wage nations such as the United States, standards-lowering competition, which is a key component of globalization, produces income disparities. With the easy flow of human capital fostered by globalization, people anticipate in a global bidding of the labor. Since free market principles advocate for a reduction of production costs to maximize their profits, it is likely for unemployment levels to rise especially upon the embracement of other components of globalization such as overseas contracting. However, nations have the chief obligation of providing employment opportunities to their citizens. The World Bank, consequently, finds it necessary to control the porosity of the national boundaries as various nations endeavor to increase their productivity and global spread. One of the subtle ways of accomplishing this precisely is through alteration of policies and practices of international bodies that fund and praise globalization such as the World Bank. The World Bank recognizes this fact. Over the last decade, it has aligned its policies to foster comparative advantage to all nations. Its focus has been in the advancement of financial aid to poor nations in the endeavor to bridge and reduce the gap between the developed world and the developing world. Open capital and trade quality With regard to the constructs of competitive advantage upheld by globalization proponents, â€Å"†¦free trade and capital mobility amplifies specialization pressures†(Stubbs Underhill 2005, p.98). Interpreted differently, this implies the creation of a narrow range of ways of earning livelihood. Perhaps, as an example, if the main economic activity in America would be livestock farming with respect to the voices of competitive advantage, then every American would be a cowboy or a shepherd only contributing towards this effort in the global market. Any concerned person would import anything else consumed in America in exchange with mutton, leather and beef among other animal products. A more robust interpretation of competitive advantage is that those Americans who may wish to indulge in other careers such as piloting, manufacturing and other chores need to migrate into other nations that specialize in these activities. While this may not have been the actual interpretation or meaning of specialization as a key constituent of globalization policies on the ground, international systems give rise to the emergence of paradoxes. With this in mind, the World Bank appreciates that while the prosperity and success of nations are akin to the flourishing of globalization, a dielectric that works counter to the globalization process surfaces thereby deterring the initially intended aspirations of the process. The altered practices and policies within the last decade have an evident proactive shaping to neutralize this dielectric. Additionally, the success of the new 21st century phase of globalization predominantly rests on the capacity to bridge the gap between political and economic stalemates, which more often than not, are incongruent. This means that the established challenges also need a matching set of policies and practices. The World Bank has a noble role to respond to these sets of demands. According to Stiglitz (2002), there was an evident unfair pushing through of the process of globalization in that liberalization policies were based on rapid implementation and enactment, following wrong order and, more importantly, through the deployment of inappropriate and inadequate economic analysis models (p.145). From this argument, instances of social conflict, general frustrations and destitution arising henceforth, require a collective mechanism tantamount to and reflected by the experienced variations in the policies and practices of the World Bank over the last decade. Sequencing and speed emphasis Success of economic liberalization is dependent on the sequence and the speed of advancement of reforms. Stiglitz (2002) argues that, in the endea vor to achieve success in the process of economic liberalization, it is critical for the concerned parties to implement reforms at the right pace following the right sequence (pp.73-78). This means that in case of a rapid opening of capital accounts, the chances are that conspicuous dislocations are eminent. However, it is essential to note that the debate on pace and sequence in policy discussions is not a new thing in the economic profession. In his book, Wealth of Nations, Adams Smith had argued about the issue of pace and sequence of policies as hard, which often required political interventions (Manfred Ravi 2010, p.49). The World Bank stood an excellent chance in the front line, as it was immensely interested in the understanding of issues related to sequencing and speed of policy discussions. Upon conducting numerous studies in 1980’s, the members present reached some various recommendations. One of the recommendations was that liberalization of trade was essentially worth realizing in a buttressed and gradual process that required extensive foreign aid. In relation to sequencing, the reform agenda needs to embrace the demands of the nations experiencing large fiscal imbalances and escalated inflations (Stiglitz 2006, p.87). They placed appropriate strategies on high demand to ensure that in cases where the reform agenda produced unemployment, they maintained the consequences minimal. In addition, they recommended that financial reforms required some regulatory agencies for their cute performance. Finally, in the last sequence order, they recommended capital accounts that they needed to liberalize as the process summed up. However, they placed a precondition on this last proposition: liberalization of capital accounts was only necessary when an economy had established strong foundations for its export sector. Even though these recommendations never satisfied all economists, they have been critical constituents of propellers of the alterations of the World Bank’s development policies and practices. Conclusion With the stringent concerns of globalization, the World Bank recognizes the various drawbacks introduced by the policies that multinational organizations cringed on to enhance their profitability and global presence in the years proceeding the last decade. As argued in this paper, the World Bank, consequently, adopts various changes in its development policies and practices to improve and redefine such institutions coupled with incentives extended to help in inculcating the spirit of efficiency and fair competition in the global fronts. The reasons why this is necessary are that destitution, corruption and abuse are critical elements for curtailing the success of policies that aid in hiking the productivity of nations. By providing hindrances to the spreading of such drawbacks of national productivity, globalization ends ups as a fair process. Therefore, industrialized nations acquire the ability to dismantle th e hindrances of the growth of their productivity. The main agenda and objective of the World Bank is to shield bureaucrats, corrupt politicians, and xenophobic autocrats from running the economies of nations if the nations of the world are to move coherently in a homogeneous way with the calls of globalization. References Hass, P., 2009. Controversies in Globalization. Washington, DC: CQ Press. Manfred, S., Ravi., 2010. Neoliberalism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. O’Brien, R., Marc, W., 2010. Global Political Economy. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Ravenhill, J., 2010. Global Political Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sklair, L., 2002. Globalization: Capitalism and its Alternatives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Stiglitz, J., 2002. Globalization and its Discontents. London: Penguin books. Stiglitz, J., 2006. Making Globalization Work. London: Penguin books. Stubbs, R., Underhill, G., 2005. Political Economy and the Chang ing Global Order. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Applying for U.S. Government Jobs Guide
Applying for U.S. Government Jobs Guide Projecting to hire 193,000 new employees over the next two years, the U.S. government is a great place to look for a great career. The federal government is the largest single employer in the United States, with almost 2 million civilian workers. About 1.6 million are full-time permanent employees. Contrary to popular belief, five of six federal employees work outside the Washington, D.C. area, in locations across the U.S. and even abroad. Federal employees work in 15 cabinet-level agencies; 20 large, independent agencies and 80 smaller agencies. When you apply for a job in federal government, there are some specific instructions you need to follow in order to give your application best chance of winning an interview: Applying for a Government Job The best and easiest way to find and apply for government jobs is now online through the website, the federal government’s official employment portal. Applying for jobs on is a six-step process: Create a USAJOBS account: You will first need to create a personal account on USAJOBS. is service that that offers safe, secure, and private online access to a wide range of government programs, such as federal benefits, services, and applications. A single account enables you to use the same username and password to sign into multiple government websites, including a USAJOBS profile: A USAJOBS account and profile allows you to save jobs you are interested in, save and automate job searches, and manage the forms and other documents needed to complete job applications.Search for jobs: Be sure to sign into your USAJOBS account before doing a job search. USAJOBS uses your profile information to better mold your job search results to your needs. In addition, you can use filters such as location, salary, work schedule or agency to narrow your results.Review Job Announcements: Each job announcement includes qualifications and eligibility req uirements you must meet and include in your application. Since these qualifications and eligibility requirements may differ from job-to-job and agency-to-agency, it is important to read the job announcement completely and carefully. Prepare your application in USAJOBS: Each job announcement will include a â€Å"How to Apply†section you should read before starting the application process. To start your application, click â€Å"Apply†in the job announcement and USAJOBS will guide through the process during which you’ll attach your resume and any required documents. As you work through the application process you can review, edit, delete and update your information. USAJOBS automatically saves your work as you go.Submit your application to the agency: When your application is finished, USAJOBS sends it to the agency’s application system where can submit your application. The agency may ask you to complete other agency-specific steps such filling out an online questionnaire or uploading additional documents. Once your application has been submitted, you can check its status anytime by accessing your USAJOBS account. If You Have a Disability Persons with disabilities can learn about alternate methods of applying for federal jobs by calling the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) at 703-724-1850. If you have a hearing disability, call TDD 978-461-8404. Both lines are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Selective Service Requirement If you are a male over age 18 who was born after December 31, 1959, you must have registered with the Selective Service System (or have an exemption) to be eligible for a federal job. What to Include with Your Application Although the federal government does not require a standard application form for most jobs, they do need certain information to evaluate your qualifications and determine if you meet legal requirements for federal employment. If your resume or application does not provide all the information requested in the job vacancy announcement, you may lose consideration for the job. Help speed the selection process by keeping your resume or application brief and by sending only the requested material. Type or print clearly in dark ink. In addition to specific information requested in the job vacancy announcement, your resume or application must contain: The job announcement number, and title and grade(s) of the job you are applying for. All of this information will be listed in the job announcement.Personal information:- Full name, mailing address (with ZIP Code) and day and evening phone numbers (with area code)- Social Security Number- Country of Citizenship (Most jobs require US citizenship.)- Veterans preference information- Reinstatement eligibility (If requested, attach form SF 50.)- Highest Federal civilian job grade held​ if any. (Also state job series and dates held.)Education:- High School (Schools name and address, Date of diploma or GED)- Colleges or universities (Schools name and address, Majors, Type and year of degrees, or credits and hours earned.)- Send a copy of your transcript only if the job announcement calls for it.Work experience:- Supply the following information for your paid and non-paid work experience related to the job you are applying for: (Do not include job descriptions.)Job title (include seri es and grade if federal job)Duties and accomplishmentsEmployers name and addressSupervisors name and phone numberStarting and ending dates (month and year)Hours worked per weekHighest salary earned- Indicate if the hiring agency may contact your current supervisor Other Job-Related Qualifications- Job-related training courses (title and year)- Job-related skills, for example, other languages, computer software/hardware, tools, machinery, typing speed- Job-related certificates and licenses (current only)- Job-related honors, awards and special accomplishments, for example, publications, memberships in professional or honor societies, leadership activities, public speaking, and performance awards (include dates, but do not send copies of documents unless requested.)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Writer's Choice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Writer's Choice - Assignment Example This is because companies produce their goods to target the global market and sourcing is a core consideration (Lechner & Boli, 2011) Future global sourcing will depend on negotiated worldwide performance parameters, a globally incorporated market system as well incorporation of global professionalism especially in marketing, human resource, engineering and source groups. One effect of sourcing globally is that companies no longer source components but rather source in systems and services. This is important to companies because they not only have to produce affordable goods for the global market, but the goods need to be of right quality and standard. Companies which source systems therefore have an easier way of controlling quality and price. Another effect of global sourcing is that as much as companies would still prefer traditionally cheaper markets of China, Eastern Europe and India, they cautiously check the unknown costs that arise from sourcing in these markets (Lechner & Boli, 2011) The articles relate to the week’s topic because they fulfill the objective of evaluating how organizations can control cost of production by ensuring that standards and quality are observed when sourcing from a global market. This results in production of quality goods and services which meet global standards and consumed by a global market. Prior to buying of a system or even a product, purchasers usually would be interested in finding out an estimation of the total of direct as well as indirect charges included in a specific transaction. The comprehensive figure is what is called a Total Cost of Ownership. One main challenge that organizations go through while implementing a Total Cost Measurement system is the length of time required to come up with a comprehensive Total Cost Measurement System. This is because organizations have to go through
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Australian Macro-Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Australian Macro-Economy - Essay Example The macro-economic environment supporting the Australian micro-economic reforms have been satisfactory is some respects, but notably deficient in other areas. It is imperative to examine these developments briefly, since, if the major problem areas are not resolved, they have the potential to disrupt the genuinely significant achievements and frustrate the path towards an internationally oriented and efficient economy. The purpose of this section is to examine briefly the salient features of the macro-environment. This article also alludes to some of the effects of the reforms. It does not attempt to provide a comprehensive assessment, which would be beyond the scope of this chapter, and arguably premature. Fiscal Policy Throughout most of the reform period, fiscal policy was reasonably conservative. The Australian Labor administration inherited a large fiscal deficit in 1982/3, in consequence partly of a severe recession. The government proceeded to reduce this deficit progressively through the decade. By 1987/8 a modest surplus had been achieved, and was maintained for the next three years, before another serious recession forced a change in policy. For a short period, also, the administration reversed the post-war trend towards an ever-larger government presence in the economy. Economic growth remained quite buoyant during this period, although inflation continued to exceed that of major trading partners, while remaining below 10 per cent after 1983. The recession of the early 1990s was the major mistake in macro-economic management over this period.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
DNA, mRNA, and Protein Essay Example for Free
DNA, mRNA, and Protein Essay Complete the two questions below. Each question has four parts. This assignment is two pages long. Question 1: For the following double-stranded DNA sequence, -CATTGACCGTAA- -GTAACTGGCATT- Answer the following questions: a) Assume that RNA polymerase will read the top strand of DNA as the â€Å"template†to synthesize mRNA. What will be the sequence of the mRNA synthesized? (3 points) The new mrna sequence will be GUAACUGGCAUU b) Based upon the mRNA sequence above, what is the peptide sequence? (4 points) The peptide swquence will be GUA-ACU-GGC-AUU If there was a mutation in the DNA sequence above resulting in the following DNA sequence, -GATTGACCGTAA- -CTAACTGGCATT- c) What would be the resulting mRNA, assuming RNA polymerase will use the DNA sequence, -GATTGACCGTAA- ? (4 points) Thw new mena sequence will be CUAACUGGCAUU d) Based upon the mRNA sequence above, what is the peptide sequence? (4 points) The peptide sequence will be CUA-ACU-GGC-AUU which will translate to Leu-Thr-Gly-lle Question 2: For the following DNA sequence, -CCCTTAGATGGA- -GGGAATCTACCT- Answer the following questions: a) Assume that RNA polymerase will read the top strand of DNA as the â€Å"template†to synthesize mRNA. What will be the sequence of the mRNA synthesized? (3 points) GGGAAUCUACCU b) Based upon the mRNA sequence above, what is the peptide sequence? (4 points) GGG-AAU-CUA-CCU which will translate to alanine-asparagine-leucine-proline If there was a mutation in the DNA sequence above resulting in the following DNA sequence, -CTCTTAGATGGA- -GAGAATCTACCT- c) What would be the resulting mRNA, assuming RNA polymerase will use the DNA sequence, CTCTTAGATGGA ? (4 points) GAGAAUCUACCU d) Based upon the mRNA sequence above, what is the peptide sequence? (4 points) GAG-AAU-CUA-CCU which translates to glutamate-asparagine-leucine-proline.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Graduation Speech: I Was a Thrift Store Kid :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
I grew up a thrift store kid. We took trips in a beat up station wagon, but I went to school in Shallow Creek. I was considered a little different. We are all different. Later we will find that we are all the same. It will not matter later in life who we were friends with or what clubs we belonged to. It will not matter what our grades were, or what kind of clothes we wore. It will not matter what kind of cars our parents drove. It will not matter what our dreams were, but what dreams we accomplish. We realize that cliques are lame and that they don't matter in the real world. In the real world where we have to choose what we do all day. There are no longer laws or our parents to make us get to school every morning at 7:30. For some of us it was hard and for others it was easy. I was one of the people who didn't know until this last semester if I'd graduate. It's hard to believe that you can do something if someone tells you it's not worth it. The advice given to me my entire senior year was to drop out and get my GED, because too many people had a high school diploma that didn't mean anything. That person had no idea what they were talking about. Just getting a diploma means everything, it's what we have been working for all of our lives. Maybe that person's goal was for me to take those words and prove them wrong. I did, but I had to convince myself not to take that advice. Many people helped me get here. Many people helped all of us get here. Thank you mom, for the countless phone calls to the school, and to the superintendent when my credits were messed up and no one listened to me. Thank you dad, for getting on my case even when I got an attitude. Thank you to my teachers who put up with our talkin g even when it wasn't an appropriate time. Thank you to my friends who gave me all the strange nicknames that only we could understand. We all have our thank you's because none of us did it alone. Whether you know it or not, at least one person helped you get here. Take a minute right now to look around this room.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Colosseum: Roman Society Essay
The colosseum was built to serve the emperors wants and needs to the members of society and it was more than just gladiator combat! The Purpose of the colosseum was to portray the dominance and power of Rome, highlight the social class/hierarchy of roman society, reinforcing the legal functions that applied the roman society, entertainment and social interactions between members of society, education, for political reasons and for religious purposes. Gladiators were entertaining and brave warriors as they had a large appeal to the audience, Even though gladiators came from the lowest class of Roman society. The gladiators fighting were customised differently so each individual had a gladiator to go for. These Gladiators were named and perceived different and they were Murmillion this gladiator was halfly armed swordsman and was a male sea creature called a mermaid. There was Retiarius Who was armed like a fisherman, Thracian a barbarian warrior, Samnite an old enemy and Secutor the most heavily armed with the heaviest body due to armor, but there was more to the colosseum than just gladiator combat. These characters represented the enemies of Rome as Rome was victories at the time and this reinforces the victory of the roman society. The colosseum portrays the power of Rome’s technology, wealth and military powers as they had the ability to build such a great structure using lime stone, cement, marble, and brick which also indicates that they had the population and man power needed to construct new things. The colosseum also highlights the technology the Roman society had by building such a huge structure not only in width but in height in contrast to other countries. This is evident as in other countries the amphitheatres were made from wood and would eventually break down. The hypogeum even reveals the power of the technology as there were elevators to escalate the fighters, animals or humans. Having conflicts within colosseum highlights there military power as it outline the different types of weapons it had in relation to other nations. The power of Rome was revealed as the building of the colosseum is still standing today. Inside the massive Colosseum there were hierarchical seating structures that individuals will sit in which outlined what type of citizens they were in the Roman society highlighting there social class. There were 76 entrance gates that will lead you to were you would sit. The unnumbered gates were special as only senators would have access to which will lead them to the best view closest to the arena then behind them in the other rows were the equestrians and further behind ordinary citizens and then regulated people but the emperors the highest of the social class were opposite each other next to the senators in there own box. The closer you are to the arena the more acceptable and appreciated you were in roman society as it portrays the social class you belonged in. The people fighting in the arena were criminals as they had the lowest reputation. This could have been an educational aspect as the poorer individuals of the roman society will learn new techniques in hunting and fighting which probably has never accompanied there attributes before as they never had the wealth and the eligibility to learn. This highlights how the poorer individuals of Roman society watching the games would have learnt new techniques and hunting skills from watching the events at the time. As mentioned the people fighting were criminals and for them to be a criminals they must have broken or disobeyed the law or have committed a crime such as murder and therefore they are sent out in the arena forced the fight as to reinforce the law to the people that want to disobey or break the law of Romanian society. The colosseum was also used as a legal function to Romanian society as a consequence and judgment to people that want disobey the legal system. Sport in Rome was there entertainment but they had very little compared to today’s society without television soccer balls and computers. The Roman society had entertainment the hard way as there entertainment was fighting until death and gladiator combat. In other words the colosseum was built in order for entertainment which practically everyone in the society needed. Gladiators were a source of entertainment so to were animals like a hippopotamus, elephant dogs and other vicious animals like lions. These animals or competitors will access the area through the hypogeum and out from the elevator. Animals were left to starve and therefore it will lead to a death battle which will excite the Rome society. As well as it being entertaining it also had a purpose of getting people socially interacting as individuals will compete and talk to people in there social class about the fights. The emperor could have built the colosseum possibly for financial reasons as there was merchandises being available for consumption. Individuals in the coloseum watching the game may get paranoid from the sun and start fights with other people. Food and entertainment was issued to calm and distract individuals from trouble making. The colosseum had bollards as they looked like gravestone things which were used for crowd control and people up to fifty five thousand could leave in half an hour. The colosseum was built by the emperor for entertainment but for also for political reasons. During the time of when the colosseum was built there was political corruption and trouble going on and the colosseum was built to get the roman people’s thinking away from corruption and being entertained by events being held in the colosseum. The colosseum had a religious purpose which was portrayed through the statues outside the colosseum. All the above leads to the articulation of the colosseum serving a purpose more than just gladiator combats. The above demonstrates the other purposes that lead to the creation of the colosseum like to portray the dominance and power of Rome, highlight the social class/hierarchy of roman society, reinforcing the legal functions that applied the roman society, entertainment and social interactions between members of society, education, for political reasons and for religious purposes.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
‘Afternoons’ by Philip Larkin and ‘Churning Day’ by Seamus Heaney Essay
There are only a few similarities between ‘Afternoons’, by Philip Larkin, and ‘Churning Day’, by Seamus Heaney. These feature mainly in the structure of the two poems. They both use enjambment for the whole length of the poem, with just one end-stopped line present in each. Enjambment gives both poems a sense of continuous movement. This is appropriate in ‘Churning Day’ as it represents the motion of the person churning the butter. It also makes the voice of ‘Churning Day’ sound out of breath, as if they are breathing in the middle of sentences, also suitable as they have just ‘slugged and thumped for hours’. The sense of motion is appropriate in ‘Afternoons’ as the poem is about transience from childhood love and innocence to marriage and the hassles and mundane nature of everyday life. Although there is no rhyme scheme in either poem, Philip Larkin uses many words such as ‘bordering’, ‘lying’ and ‘pushing’ with the same endings. This is used as a rhyme scheme, not only to keep the poem flowing but also to add a sense of monotony that now prevails in the women’s lives. As the poem flows more it makes it sound like Larkin’s own thoughts as he observes these ‘young mothers†¦setting free their children’. The lack of rhyme scheme is used to give the reader the impression of free flowing thought or speech again in ‘Churning Day’. This is appropriate as it is a memory. It is clear that it is a happy memory for Heaney as he can remember so much of it, and although he remembers the ‘acrid’ stench of the house after churning day, he talks of the butter as ‘gold flecks’ and ‘coagulated sunlight’, which are pleasant and fond memories. It was a happy memory as the family got together to help, as his ‘mother took first turn’ and he talks of more people, saying ‘we moved’ and ‘our brains’, thus showing a pleasant feeling of togetherness. The emotions in the voices of the poems are very different. Although Heaney writes in a sensuous manner about the family event of churning day, clearly remembering the ‘plash and gurgle of the sour-breathed milk’ and the house as ‘acrid as a sulphur mine’, Larkin does not talk so fondly. The first line talks of summer ‘fading’ but Larkin could be using this as a metaphor for the prime of these mothers’ young lives disappearing. Summer fades into autumn, when everything begin to die and age, similar to what is happening to these young women. Lovers who ‘are all in school’ have replaced them in their courting places and they regimentally ‘assemble’ ‘in the hollows of afternoons’. He talks as if everything is lost and they now follow a set regime around their children and their lives seem empty with these ‘hollows’. He talks of the ‘trees bordering the new recreation ground’ as if they are guards who trap the women in this monotonous lifestyle. The novelty of life and love has worn off for the ‘young mothers’ although they have the luxuries of television, that is where ‘the albums, lettered Our Wedding’ have been discarded. Their children ‘expect to be taken home’ and spend time finding ‘unripe acorns’. The idea of ‘unripe acorns’ suggests that the women were not ready for marriage and commitment and the responsibility of their children, who are ‘pushing them to the side of their own lives’. The thrills of love and setting up home have worn off, unlike in ‘Churning Day’ where as Seamus Heaney sounds excited and eager to see the butter form. In this way, however, they are similar. In the past the ‘young mothers’ must have been excited and eager too, but to see the relationships and marriage form, to set up home and have children. The wedding day is like the moment the butter starts to form, but as in ‘Churning Day’ there are consequences. The boredom of life and responsibilities brought about by children are like the ‘stink’ in the house ‘long after churning day’. The brains of the people in Heaney’s household were ‘full of clean deal churns’, able to think of nothing else but churning day, as the young women’s lives are filled with the mundane responsibilities of married life and children.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
In Breaking the Chain Harrison Essay Example
In Breaking the Chain Harrison Essay Example In Breaking the Chain Harrison Essay In Breaking the Chain Harrison Essay I had a very loving upbringing; without question, a very loving, rooted upbringing. Education and poetry came in to disrupt that loving group and Ive been trying to create new wholes out of that disruption ever since. (Tony Harrison) Considering in detail one poem, or a passage from a poem, discuss the poetic methods Harrison uses to explore these conflicts. In the course of your answer: * Look closely at the effects of language, imagery and verse form. * Comment on how the poem you have chosen relates to other poems by Harrison that you have studied. In Breaking the Chain Harrison portrays how, although his parents wanted him to succeed, they only wished him to go up a rung or two but settle near. He had a loving upbringing where his mum, like the others, pushed him as bright. The mothers passed round a box of tools which is shown in the simile like a medal case to have been treasured. Yet, Harrison broke the convention and the chain something which he attempts to battle with in the cause, his literature. In the line, The gap his gift acknowledged then s as wide as /eternity enjambment creates a gap in sentence emphasising the gap between his family forced by education. There is also a lack of alternate personas and voices which diverges with his usual style when portraying guilt. This suggests that the guilt he feels here is purely his own for destroying the loving group, rather than influenced by others. This is also implied in the line still breaks my heart! where an exclamation mark is used to attempt to make light of the emotion and lessen the burden of guilt. In contrast, in the poem Bringing up, Harrison uses his mothers voice: you werent brought up to write such mucky books! to demonstrate her attitude towards his lifestyle. This implies that it was her voice in his head reminding him of his flaws. This effect is used in most of Harrisons poems concerning his parents. In Long Distance, when his father phones, despite the inevitable dismal course, Harrison listens to his father s sorrows: Them sweets you bought me. Albeit their new Long Distance relationship, Harrison cannot escape the voice of his father because of his need to create new wholes and return them to the closeness once demonstrated in the sacrifice of a whole weeks wage and drink. Another technique used in Breaking the Chain is the repetition of dad to stress their unity and relational bond shown in My dad bought it, from the last dad who still owed the dad before. It could also display the expectations which fathers at the time shared of their sons having the same place of work, but not blue-collar white, something from which Harrison dispersed. It is books, books, books repeated in Book Ends articulating the separation language caused and also, perhaps, how tiresome it was to Harrison that the only thing separating them was language. By applying the same technique to display two conflicting ideas Harrison suggests that their bond and separation are intertwined; the love will always be underlying the disturbance created by education. A pun used in Breaking the Chain in the line never passed on never used dividers. Here the dividers could simply be speaking of the tools from his dad. They could also symbolise the division made between them as a result of Harrisons differentiating culture and view on life; his interest in literature rather than sport. In Confessional Poetry the paronomasia lies in there were words between us where the words could be interpreted as the words said amidst conflict. On the other hand those words could be the many thousands written in Harrisons poetry which pushed his father further away in their inaccessibility. Harrison also makes use of puns with his imagery in Breaking the Chain such as in the line- polished box wrapped in the Sporting Pink. The Sporting Pink could signify the working class life which Harrison has turned his back on by moving up more than a rung or two. The tools of his dads trade are encased in the words of Harrisons however, unlike Harrisons words, those envelopin g the box are ones which his father might relate to. The imagery could be the literal gift of the tools and newspaper or the metaphorical suffocation of his fathers legacy by the new language. The fact that this memory is written about fondly suggests that Harrison wishes to sustain this legacy and he does this by dedicating so much of his poetry to him. This technique is used in Blocks also, blocks with letters, Lettered block of stone./ I had to move the blocks to say farewell. The alphabet cubes which he played with so innocently as a child become the block of stone which, although literally is the gravestone, metaphorically is his education and poetry blocking him from his mother. In both Breaking the Chain and Blocks the weaving of two images creates a complex analysis of his relationship with each parent. Another aspect of unifying two images by Harrison is his working class Leeds voice with his upper class one. In Breaking the Chain his dialect is portrayed in The mams pig-sick of oilstains whilst simultaneously displaying his new upper class voice in I was brought down out of bed to have bestowed. The battle of his two voices implies an inner conflict to find his identity. The conflict comes to a head in the line The gap his gift acknowledged then s as wide as/eternity where both accents are joined giving the effect that Harrison is both his fathers son and a poet who is breaking the chain. He desires his fathers pride and it still breaks (his) heart that instead he has his disappointment. This effect of contrasting two identities to emphasise the divide of his class is used in the poem Turns as well as if a bit of chequered cloth could bridge that gap. Here the gap, as in Breaking the Chain stands between him and working class. He attempts to close it by wearing his fathers hat. Th e imagery of the chequered cloth illustrates Harrisons relationship with his father as the squares are akin yet varying in small details. The fact that Harrison still cant bear to part with the tools shows that he dislikes the gap between them and wants it removed. Perhaps less obvious is Harrisons enjoyment of the sonnet form which is found in Breaking the Chain, Marked with D, and Book Ends I II. The use of such a traditional style might delineate his continuing love and respect for his family. Whilst the content, which appears to conflict with the form, could depict how Harrisons education and poems conflict with his familys traditional life. In Breaking the Chain unlike in Book ends Harrison maintains an alternate rhyming scheme throughout and does not break away into another pattern at the end as he does in Ive got to find the right words on my own/Ive got the envelope that hed been scrawling/mis-spelt, mawkish, stylistically appalling/but I cant squeeze more love into their stone. where the rhyming pattern adapts. His continuance of the alternate rhyme until the end suggests a desire to return to the traditional and not to break away or cause any further disruption Ultimately, Harrisons education and love of literature combined to cause destruction in what was once a loving, rooted family. Breaking the Chain is much softer than other Harrison poems using alliteration of w in whole weeks wage. In contrast Bringing up is brimming with plosives and harsh sounds suggesting anger and irritation. Breaking the Chain however, offers Harrisons remorse that he has not made his parents proud and he still cant bear to part with the idea that he might yet be able to make a whole once again. Harrisons frequent use of complex imagery and puns depicts a multi-layered relationship where emotions are jumbled under the strain of balancing poetry and love of family.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Battle of Cedar Creek - The Battle of Cedar Creek - Civil War 1864
Battle of Cedar Creek - The Battle of Cedar Creek - Civil War 1864 Battle of Cedar Creek - Conflict Date: The Battle of Cedar Creek was fought October 19, 1864, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders Union Major General Philip H. Sheridan31,945 men Confederate Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early21,000 men Battle of Cedar Creek - Moving to Contact: After a succession of defeats at the hands of Major General Philip Sheridans Army of the Shenandoah in early fall 1864, Confederate Lieutenant General Jubal Early retreated up the Shenandoah Valley to regroup. Believing that Early was beaten, Sheridan began making plans to return Major General Horatio Wrights VI Corps to Petersburg to aid in Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grants efforts to take the city. Understanding the valleys importance as a source of food and supplies for his army, General Robert E. Lee dispatched reinforcements to Early. With his army augmented, Early pushed north to Fishers Hill on October 13, 1864. Learning of this, Sheridan recalled VI Corps to his armys camp along Cedar Creek. Though alarmed by Earlys move, Sheridan still elected to attend a conference in Washington and left Wright in command of the army. Returning, Sheridan spent the night of October 18/19 at Winchester, approximately fourteen miles north of Cedar Creek. While Sheridan was away, Major General John Gordon and topographical engineer Jedediah Hotchkiss ascended Massanutten Mountain and surveyed the Union position. From their vantage point, they determined that the Union left flank was vulnerable. Wright believed that it was protected by the North Fork of the Shenandoah River and had arrayed the army to repel an attack on its right. Developing a daring attack plan, the two presented it to Early who immediately approved it. At Cedar Creek, the Union army was in camp with Major General George Crooks VII Corps near the river, Major General William Emorys XIX Corps in the center, and Wrights VI Corps on right. On the far right was Major General Alfred Torberts Cavalry Corps with divisions led by Brigadier Generals Wesley Merritt and George Custer. On the night of October 18/19, Earlys command moved out in three columns. Marching by moonlight, Gordon led a three-division column along the base of Massanutten to McInturffs and Colonel Bowmans fords. Capturing the Union pickets, they crossed the river and formed on Crooks left flank around 4:00 AM. To the west, Early moved north up the Valley Turnpike with the divisions of Major General Joseph Kershaw and Brigadier General Gabriel Wharton. Battle of Cedar Creek - The Fighting Begins: Moving through Strasburg, Early remained with Kershaw as the division moved right and formed just past Bowmans Mill Ford. Wharton continued up the turnpike and deployed on Hupps Hill. Though a heavy fog descended on the field around dawn, the battle commenced at 5:00 AM when Kershaws men opened fire and advanced on Crooks front. A few minutes later, Gordons assault began again Brigadier General Rutherford B. Hayes division on Crooks left. Catching the Union troops by surprise in their camps, the Confederates succeeded in quickly routing Crooks men. Believing that Sheridan was at nearby Belle Grove plantation, Gordon drove his men on in the hopes of capturing the Union general. Alerted to the danger, Wright and Emory began working to form a defensive line along the Valley Turnpike. As this resistance began to take shape, Wharton attacked across Cedar Creek at Stickleys Mill. Taking the Union lines to his front, he men captured seven guns. Under heavy pressure and fire from Confederate artillery across the creek, Union forces were steadily pushed back past Belle Grove. With Crook and Emorys corps badly beaten, VI Corps formed a strong defensive line anchored on Cedar Creek and covering the higher ground north of Bell Grove. Repulsing attacks from Kershaw and Gordons men, they provided time for their comrades to retreat to the north of nearby Middletown. Having halted Earlys attacks, VI Corps withdrew as well. While the infantry regrouped, Torberts cavalry, having defeated a weak thrust by Brigadier General Thomas Rossers Confederate horse, moved to the left of the new Union line above Middletown. This movement caused Early to shift troops to meet the potential threat. Advancing north of Middletown, Early formed a new line opposite the Union position, but failed to press his advantage believing he had already won a victory and due to many of his men having halted to pillage the Union camps. Having learned of the fighting, Sheridan departed Winchester and, riding at high speed, arrived on the field around 10:30 AM. Quickly assessing the situation, he placed VI Corps on the left, along the Valley Pike and XIX Corps on the right. Crooks shattered corps was put in reserve. Battle of Cedar Creek - The Tide Turns: Shifting Custers division to his right flank, Sheridan rode across the front of his new line to rally the men before preparing a counterattack. Around 3:00 PM, Early launched a minor attack which was easily defeated. Thirty minutes later XIX Corps and Custer advanced against the Confederate left which was in the air. Extending his line west, Custer thinned Gordons division which was holding Earlys flank. Then launching a massive assault, Custer overran Gordons men causing the Confederate line to start breaking from west to east. At 4:00 PM, with Custer and XIX Corps having success, Sheridan ordered a general advance. With Gordon and Kershaws men breaking on the left, Major General Stephen Ramseurs division mounted a stiff defense in the center until their commander fell mortally wounded. His army disintegrating, Early began retreating south, pursued by Union cavalry. Harried until after dark, Early lost most of his artillery when the bridge at Spanglers Ford collapsed. Aftermath of the Battle of Cedar Creek: In the fighting at Cedar Creek, Union forces suffered 644 dead, 3,430 wounded, and 1,591 missing/captured, while the Confederates lost 320 dead, 1,540 wounded, 1050 missing/captured. In addition, Early lost 43 guns and the bulk of his supplies. Having failed to retain the momentum of the mornings successes, Early was overwhelmed by Sheridans charismatic leadership and ability to rally his men. The defeat effectively gave control of the valley to the Union and eliminated Earlys army as an effective force. In addition, coupled with Union successes at Mobile Bay and Atlanta, the victory virtually ensured the re-election of President Abraham Lincoln.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Doctrine of Privity of Contract and the Impact of the Contracts Essay
The Doctrine of Privity of Contract and the Impact of the Contracts Act 1999 - Essay Example 121, 1991) the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 which essentially modified the doctrine of privity of contract and confers upon third parties a limited right of action relative to a contract which confers upon the third party a benefit. Ultimately a third party may enforce a term or condition of a contract if the contract â€Å"expressly†makes provision for the right of the third party to enforce a term of the contract.5 Secondly, a third party may enforce a contractual term if the term â€Å"purports to confer a benefit†on that third party.6 It is assumed that once parties to a contract confer on a third party a benefit under a contract, the contracting parties intend that the third party may enforce the term creating the relevant benefit.7 In Nisshin Shipping Co. Ltd. v Cleaves & Co. Ltd. it was held that the assumption that parties to a contract intend that a third party with a benefit under the contract can enforce the term creating the benefit can onl y be rebutted by substantial evidence to the contrary.8 In other words there must be proof that the contracting parties did not intend that the third party have enforceable rights under the contract. Otherwise the third party must be identified either expressly or by description in the body of the contract in order to get around the doctrine of privity of contract.9 Essay question – restraint of trade – employees and sale of business. Restraint of trade clauses in contracts of employment are intended by employers to safeguard against competition from former employees.10 Similarly, upon the sale of a business, a contract for the sale of the business may contain a covenant in which the vendor covenants not to engage in a business area for a prescribed period in order to safeguard against the deterioration of goodwill purchased by the purchaser.11 When a business is sold or transferred to another party, an existing restraint of trade agreement impacting an employee surviv es the transfer of the business.12 Like employment covenants for the restraint of trade13a covenant for the restraint of trade under an agreement for the sale of a business will be generally upheld when the restraint of trade covenant is reasonable.14 It was held in Dairy Crest Ltd. v Pigott that an employer may only enforce an agreement in restraint of trade for preventing unfair competition as opposed to competition altogether.15 Ultimately, the restraint of trade clause in a contract of employment or in the sale of transfer of a business must be reasonable in that it must be for the purpose of protecting a legitimate interest. For instance it would not be unreasonable for an employer or a purchaser to want to protect trade secrets or confidential information relevant to trade.16 In Danaway, Day & Co. Ltd. v De Braconier D’
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Carrefour China - French Hypermarket Retail Chain Essay
Carrefour China - French Hypermarket Retail Chain - Essay Example With sales reaching 78 billion dollars annually, Carrefour stands as the second largest retailer after Walmart, in the world market. (Lin and Liang, 2002). Carrefour has established its presence in Asian countries like Malaysia, Taiwan, China, South Korea and Singapore. Though its growth in the Chinese market has been restricted by the governmental regulations like the mandatory requirement of a local joint-venture partner, Carrefour has increased its market share and successfully followed a policy of regional penetration in China. Carrefour has slowly and steadily made a foray in the retail industry in China, largely by taking up strategic local partners. With an agreement with the Guangzhou General Merchandise Group of south Chinas Guangdong province, the French company has laid the foundation of a lucrative joint venture in 2002. It also has joint venture undertakings in Kunming, the capital of southwest Chinas Yunnan province, and in Harbin, the capital of northernmost Heilongjiang province. 2 (Xinhua News Agency, 2002). Carrefour operates over 71 supermarkets across China and has been said to have purchased a total of 1.5 billion U.S. dollars worth of commodities from China in the year 2001. 3 (Xinhua News Agency, 2002). The latest Carrefour store became operational in January 2006, in Shanghai. The main competitors of Carrefour are Wal-Mart China, with 42 stores in the country, and Germany-based Metro Group, with 29 stores. 4. (China Frenchiser, 2006). Carrefour has an array of over 600 products sold through its retail stores and hypermarkets spread across diverse Chinese regions. Its products include grocery, detergent and personal care goods, fish farm and poultry, dairy and milk, snacks, bakery, snacks, frozen foods and beverages, and non-food items like kitchen-grade utensils. In addition to the above, Carrefour also stocks electrical goods, clothes, toiletries, luggage accessories and cleaning products. 5(Carrefour, 2006). The Carrefour stores are based on the concept of self-service, that provides the customer with the freedom to browse the products at their pace and thus exposing them to attractive display and packaging. Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Autism Spectrum Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Autism Spectrum Disorders - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that à ¨n an ideal world, most families will have no stress no matter what situation gets in their way. However, most families with children with autism spectrum disorders become more stressed compared with families with typically developing children. Baron-Cohen and his colleague's article support that both parents of the children with ASD report significantly elevated stress levels compared to those with typically developing children. For one to understand the research content, it is significant to define the autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorder refers to a term that describes autism and four other disabilities affecting individual’s ability to communicate, socialize, and respond to individual’s environment. The spectrum usually gets diagnosed before age three. Autism is a spectrum disorder since children can have diverse characteristics or symptoms that affect them from mild to severe range. Some of the chara cteristics include the delay in social interaction and communication, repetitive body movements, obsessions over certain objects and having specific rituals and routines. ASD tends to affect mostly the males compared to females. Currently, it is reported in (2010) that in every 110 children, one is diagnosed with ASD and every 70 boys there is one with ASD. Additionally, there are no known ASD cures. However, there are several treatments that lessen the severity of the autism. Usually, people tend to think about the children diagnosed with ASD, and no one tends to think about the impact that the diagnosis has on parents. Often, parents with children diagnosed with ASD go through an emotional experience. The parents go through the thoughts of thinking that their child is perfect to think that their child has an incurable disorder that may affect every aspect of the child’s life. Hence, parents should learn how to cope with the situation after the initial diagn osis.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Social Work In Livelihoods And Social Entrepreneurship Sociology Essay
Social Work In Livelihoods And Social Entrepreneurship Sociology Essay Livelihood in every day discourse refers to the means by which people make a living; it is the means to secure the basic necessities of life. A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets and activities required for a means of living (DFID, 1999). The UK Department of international Development (1999) United Nations Development Programme (2010) adopts the definition given by Chambers Conroy (1991): A Livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and activities required for a means of living. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stress and shocks and maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets both now and in the future, while not undermining the natural resource base. People require a range of livelihood assets to achieve positive livelihood outcomes and no single category of assets on its own is sufficient to yield all the many and varied outcomes that people seek. (The Sustainable Livelihood Framework, DFID). This framework identifies five main capitals or asset categories upon which livelihoods are built (Human capital, Social capital, Natural capital, Physical capital and financial capital), possession or right to use and manage these assets is necessary for a positive livelihood outcome of an individual or household. The ability to access, control, and own productive livelihood assets such as land, labour, finance, and social capital facilitate people in creating firm and productive livelihood outcomes (Meinzen-Dick et al. 2011). Assets have a constructive impact on livelihood security, it affects livelihood through different channels. Assets may: directly impact well-being through the increased status and empowerment that asset ownership con veys; facilitate different members of the household to opt different livelihood strategies; provides a safety net against shocks; and reinforces household members positions in the broader community and inside the household in terms of decisions over how income is used up or invested (Meinzen-Dick et al. 2011). The patterns of asset ownership are integral to livelihood choices that decide how commodities are marketed or consumed within a household. Assets can be used in varying ways to generate income through rents, interest on savings, and profits in business activities, assets also make possible participation of the individual or household in financial markets, like banking facilities which can be used as collateral for credit. (Swaminathan et al. 2012). The function of assets is significant since it can be sold or used as a security for credit to survive with the undesired or unwanted effects of economic shocks. By providing aid to income diversification of a household, assets als o reinforce households capacity to deal with, and counter negative shocks (Quisumbing, 2008, Cited in Swaminathan et al. 2012). When it comes to women, As culturally based expectations of the roles, responsibilities and behaviours of women and men are assigned to men and women in the society, and as society sees women primarily in gender stereotyped roles, it is important to analyse livelihoods from a gender perspective and to see how far women are able to access these resources to sustain their livelihood. In general, men and women have different levels of control and assess to the resources required for livelihood. Womens work choices are to a great extent limited by a multiple factors such as access to education, family expectations, gendered roles and responsibilities and the overall livelihood approach of the household (Basu and Thomas 2009). Gender inequality is present and apparent throughout developed and developing societies in varying forms and degrees. Women in general and poor women in particular, are underprivileged of basic economic opportunities and rights which are commonly available to men. There exist a large inequalities and disparities between men and women in terms of access to basic facilities, such as nutrition, health and education, as well as access to employment and possession of various income generating resources (Chavan 2008). Not only unequally distribution of assets between rich and poor exist, there exist an unequal distribution of assets between men and women, at the national level as well as within communities and households (Deere and Doss, 2006, cited in Meinzen-Dick. et al, 2011). Research shows that within households, assets are not always pooled, but rather can be held individually by men, women, and children (Haddad et al. 1997, Cited in Meinzen-Dick et al. 2011, p 3). Who within a household has the access to which resources and for what purposes is determined both by the larger socio cultural context and by intra household distribution regulations (Meinzen-Dick et al. 2011). Different allocation of the resources among man and women is determined by the larger socio cultural context, and women in general are deprived of economically productive resources. Asset ownership by women can have a positive impact on their status and bargaining power, and thereby enhance individual and household well-being (Swaminathan et al. 2012, p 60). While women may have greater ownership of certain types of assets as compared to men, a growing body of empirical evidence shows that women typically have fewer overall assets than men (Meinzen-Dick et al. 2011, p 4). Agriculture is one of the major sources of livelihood for many man and women in many developing countries. It is a critical productive asset in agrarian country, on the other hand, women are deprived of ownership rights and control land and lesser number of women has direct access to land in their own right (Velayudhan 2009). In India, landownership by women is not more than 2% (Agarwal, 1994, Cited in Velayudhan 2009, p 74). An Inter-national Centre for Research on Women (ICRW, 2006) study found that of 402 surveyed women in Kerala, 36% owned property (land or house) while in West Bengal, this figure was 35% in a sample of 450 women(Swaminathan et al. 2012, p 60). A survey of 400 households conducted in four districts in Karnataka in 2001 found that women in households that owned land had access to land, but rarely had ownership rights to it (Brown et al 2002, Cited in Swaminathan et al. 2012, p 60). The research conducted by in Karnataka, India Hema, Suchitra, and Lahoti (2011) shows gendered ownership of assets among man and women, where jewellery was the common and only asset directly owned by women. In Karnataka Women do not own assets by themselves; they co-own assets with some or all household members. Jewellery is the only asset that they own individually and which shows a reverse gender gap. Since jewellery is often pawned or sold during economic crises, it leaves women asset less and more vulnerable even as it provides a coping strategy for households (Swaminathan et al. 2012, p 65). Seeing at the limitations in access, ownership and control of assets by women there is less probability for women to convert these assets into livelihood opportunities, especially when women do not own and manage them. When livelihood is concerned, access to banking services is one important area. There exist gender disparities between man and women when it comes to banking services. While basic banking services are spreading in India, women are largely deprived of the basic banking service. In India, the available data till 2006 show that women at large remain considerably deprived of basic banking services as compared to men (Chavan 2008, p 18). If we consider credit supplied, only about 12 per cent of the individual bank loan accounts belonged to women in 2006; in the same year, women constituted about half of Indias population (48.4 per cent).The remaining 88 per cent of the individual bank loan accounts were held by men (Chavan 2008, p 18). Also The substantial growth in women-members of self-help groups has not meant any major change in the access of women to banking (Chavan 2008, p 18). Another research done by Meenakshi, Vani, Manojit (2011) by examining the National Sample Survey Organisa tion unit record data pertaining to debt and investment (59th round) shows that the relatively weaker sections such as self employed female headed households have much less access to credit both from formal and informal sources. Gender is found to play a very significant role for both amount of income earned as well as the likelihood of an individual being employed. Women in India are found to have a 12 per cent lower likelihood of being employed than men. But even among the employed, female annual incomes are likely to be lower by 36 per cent than otherwise similar males (Bhandari and Bordoloi 2006, p 3895). Which shows the very fact that there exist gendered discrimination in labor market. Gender also plays a crucial role in distribution and division of labor, in the research conducted by Neetu C, Parthasarathy D (2007) in two villages in Nanded, Maharastra, India, reveals the clear cut division of labor between men and women. Women were found generally to execute tasks which require so-called feminine endurance and patience. Almost households works were performed by women irrespective of whether they work and earn outside or not which shows the roles and responsibilities assigned to women defined by the l arger socio cultural context and by the household. And even among wage workers, they were paid less as compared to male counterparts for similar work. From various angles women are subjugated limiting their opportunities for livelihood, and the general scenario of women is grim as far as their livelihoods are concerned, starting from assets ownership, opportunities to work, gendered assigned role and responsibilities limiting them to house hold works, access to credits from banking institutions etc and one important aspect is that shocks like Divorce or death of a husband can lead to women losing their assets especially in cases where marriage is governed under customary laws that do not protect womens right to property (Peterman 2010, cited in Meinzen-Dick et al. 2011, p 11). So there is high chance of women being vulnerable with limited resources when they are single and heading a house alone. It is in this context that the study of the widows affected by armed conflict is being proposed; they are very vulnerable group, their husband or spouses had died in encounters by the state police or Army or killed by non state actors. These widows are those struggling to survive without their husband. After the sock of their husbands death these widows in Manipur are struggling hard for their childrens future, fighting against the stigma and isolation of a young widow of a suspected man (Lierde 2011). Meanwhile, the state, which has abdicated its responsibilities on all fronts, treats them as garbage, as trouble makers, as bad elements who must watch their step and, above all, need not to bother to turn to the state for a widows pension or for support for their fatherless children (Lierde 2011, p 14). Seeing the vulnerability women face in general and this section of women in particular the research proposes to study livelihoods, their vulnerabilities and the gender constrains. A brief review of literature Manipur in general the most important employment generating institution is the government institutions, due to lesser number of formal private sectors in the market, mostly people opt for informal sector for their livelihood, and farm based activities, so the literature review section will be mainly on informal sector and womens livelihood. There is little information in the literature about the day-to-day activities of women in the informal labor market (Basu and Thomas 2009, p 234). Dramatic reductions in trade barriers during the past 10 years have caused unprecedented economic growth in India. Little is known about the impact of globalization on the informal labor market, especially the impact on women (Basu and Thomas 2009, p 231). The National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector (NCEUS) (2007) reports that roughly 79 per cent of informal sector workers earn less than Rs.20 (less than $0.5) per day, making them the most vulnerable group in the economy (Basu and Thomas 2009, p 231). There is a high chance for Women to work in informal sector, like in Manipur majority of the street vendors are women, and there is an specific market for women vendors called Ima keithel (Ima is a vernacular word which means mother, and keithel means market) and women are also be likely to be segregated into the lower segments of the informal labor market, which are characterized by lower earnings and a high risk of poverty (Basu and Thomas 2009). The informal sec tor offers employment to a large proportion of the populations of developing countries, including India. This is particularly true for women since the informal sector, and home-based work specifically, offer poor women their best opportunity for work. This is because it provides the flexibility in work hours and location that they require to incorporate market work into their actual family work burdens as well as into the social norms regulating womens economic participation (Kantor 2002, p 285). A key constrain to women, in particular, for employability in the formal sector is lack of education, and also womens conventional function within the household limits the opportunity and keeps them in the informal sector (Basu and Thomas 2009). (Kantor 2002) pointed there major women exclusive constrains in their economic opportunities, first is the limited mobility, which comes from the border socio cultural and traditional context and reinforced by gendered roles assigned to women within the household. This has serious implication limiting womens economic potential; second is the womens more demanding role in the family as compared to man. Limited mobility effects women directly and indirectly in their economic progress, directly they are more likely to work in the home or near the vicinity of her home because of their assigned house hold works, and indirectly limiting economic success because of the work burden on the time, energy, and concentration levels they can apply to the market; third is the gendered division of labor in productive work which limits the number of opportunities to work available to women. Issue of female headed households (BuviniĆ¡ and Gupta 1997) pointed out the problems with defining and measuring female headed households, first is the use of different definitions of both the term household and head of household by different countries in their census instruments. Second is the ambiguity inherent in the term head of household when the headship is assigned by the judgement of the household members which may differ across culture and geography, The third and perhaps most serious limitation is that the term head of household is not neutral. It is loaded with additional meanings that reflect a traditional emphasis on households as undifferentiated units with a patriarchal system of governance and no internal conflicts in the allocation of resources (Nancy F 1990, Cited in BuviniĆ¡ and Gupta 1997). Three situations in which results in emergence of female-heads: (a) The broad range of domestic situations generally characterised by the absence of a resident male head, viz, widowhood, divorce, separation and desertion. (b) Male migration for long periods generally for economic activities living behind wives, and (c) resident male losing economic function due to severe unemployment, disability, illness etc (Buvinic Youssef 1978, Cited in Lingam 1994, p 699). Women who head households are triply disadvantaged as they experience the burdens of poverty, gender discrimination, and nonexistence of support as heads of household (BuviniĆ¡ and Gupta 1997). Female headed household and poverty (BuviniĆ¡ and Gupta 1997) pointed out the relation of female headed household and poverty: Here the main earners of female-headed families are by default women, who have lower average earnings as compared to men, they possess fewer or no assets at all which is economically productive, and limited access to remunerative jobs and employment. This gendered economic gap adds to the economic vulnerability of female-headed families. Combined with household structure and gendered differences in economic opportunity, make the female headed household leading to poverty. Rationale of the study Women being one of the vulnerable group in the society, and the group that the researcher is studying have lost their daily bread earner which makes them more vulnerable. Most literature has spoken about violence inflicted towards women in Manipur and less about their vulnerability and livelihoods insecurity. The research could be a useful insight on livelihood intervention programs by various agencies giving and insight about the realities faced by the widows affected by armed conflict in sustaining their livelihoods. Objectives of the study To study the livelihood pattern of widows affected by armed conflict To study the livelihoods vulnerability experienced the widows affected by armed conflict. To ascertain how gender constrains limits the opportunity of their livelihood. The response of state and non state agencies towards them concerning to their livelihood. Conceptual frame work Many approach or theoretical framework to analyze and to understand vulnerability and livelihoods has been developed and most of them attempt to understand peoples vulnerability to disaster specifically. The approaches take disaster/hazard vulnerabilities as the starting point and seeing livelihoods as an aspect of the problem (Twigg 2001) During late 1980s and early 1990s two important conceptual models to analyze vulnerability were developed to understand vulnerability to disaster and from reducing it. One is the capacities and vulnerability framework analysis which basically is a simple matrix for viewing peoples vulnerabilities and capacities in three broad interrelated areas. i.e. physical/material, social/organizational and motivational/attitudinal. In this model livelihoods is covered into physical/motivational category, which shows livelihood not in the center of discussion, if livelihoods has to be analyzed the model needs to develop specific indicator. Second is the pressure and release model of two opposing forces, on one side the progression of vulnerability i.e. root causes, dynamic pressure and unsafe condition, and on one side hazard which leads to vulnerability. Both of these attempts to address vulnerability towards disaster, and livelihood is not the prime focus (Twigg 2001). So for this particular study, the student/researcher will use the Sustainable Livelihood Framework to analyze the vulnerability and livelihood. The sustainable livelihood framework or SL framework begins with a development standpoint and puts livelihoods at the centre of the analysis, which is fitting with the proposed study. This framework takes into account all kinds of vulnerability as part of the context in which livelihoods are shaped or influenced. C:UsersKulajitDesktopsf.gif Sources: The SL framework begins with the vulnerability context in which people live and the five livelihood assets that people posses, then it takes into account how changing structures and processes which in turn generates livelihood strategies. Livelihood strategies is the basic coping skill or strategy people adopt within this three context, i.e. vulnerability, assets people own and the transforming structures and processes and finally the livelihood outcome which in turn affects the livelihood assets. The proposed study is located within the Sustainable Livelihood Framework, it seeks to examine the relationship between the widow, their livelihoods, and how this this is conditioned by the various livelihood assets or capital which is also determined by the broder socio cultural and political structures, as well as the study will also look into the institutional mechanism (both state and NGOs) impacting them in their livelihoods. The conceptual frame work of the study is outlined as follows: Through this framework it will take into account the vulnerability context within which these widows live, like shocks after the death of their husband, trends like the ongoing armed conflict and the trends in the governance and politics of Manipur, which in turns have impact on the strengths and capacities in the form of livelihood assets, like in a highly patriarchal society where land rights are denied to the women, death of the husband can lead women asset less which in turn may limit their livelihood opportunities. The transforming structures and process which include laws and policies and NGOs support which also affects their assets base. Within these three contexts which affects their livelihood base this frame work will look into the livelihood strategies they adopt and finally the livelihood outcome Methodology of the research The area of study will be in Imphal which is the capital of Manipur, the student is selecting this particular area because Manipur has been witnessing armed conflict for decades with the emergence of armed self determination movement during late 40s and the approach of Indian State by imposing laws like AFSPA 1958 has only worsen the situation. The situation has turned into an ugly face with many ethnic based armed groups emerging with their own agendas. This has disrupted many in all aspects of their lives, and it is because of this ongoing armed conflict these widows have been generated and within this context the research will study the livelihood of widows affected by armed conflict. By widows of the gun, It refers to those widows whose husband or spouses have died in encounter killings by state forces/army or by the armed non state actors. The universe of the research will be the widows affected by armed conflict registered in an Imphal based NGO named Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network which is working for the widows affected by armed conflict, As the researcher has time constrain with regard to data collection the area of research is limited to Imphal and the sample size will be 10 to 15 widows. Sampling will be done using simple random sampling so that individuals have the same probability of being chosen at any stage during the sampling process. The proposed research will be a qualitative one. This is because the study of the livelihood vulnerability, these particular group faces will require a lot of observations on the part of the researcher and the data will have to be gathered through observing the norms and the life activities of the respondents. Unstructured in-depth interviewing technique will be used to interview the respondents about their perceptions and views regarding their day-to-day livelihood activities. Through this interview, the overall nature of the vulnerabilities and the risks that the widows of the gun face will be ascertained. Though the in-depth interviews will be individual interviews, it will take into context the broader socio cultural and the household context of the individuals. Limitations of the research As the research is a MA Research Dissertation which is a part of the course curriculum, the outcomes of the study will be indicative and cannot be generalised.
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